these are the best hood fights of January 2019!
yo, I know this is a shitty video but it is what it is. In my next video make sure to read the desc, because it happens to be a giveaway. 100 SPOTIFY PREMIUM ACCOUNTS
peace out, O-Dog
?You Niggas Don't Know How To Act
The fuck she screaming for ?
The big lgbt fight was killing me ? the police like no stop and not even doing nothing ?
The screeching, howling reactions of the tribe reminds me of something….. I cant quite place it…. hmmm……
The edits at 9:50 ????
I wanna see just one fight video that isn’t filmed by a 4 year old
I randomly give "likes" to girls comments if the picture they have provided turns me on, regardless of what they actually said.
English please!
Learn how to record damn!
I know some of yall will get pissed but fuck it why do black jump people.. Like they can't ever let it be 1 on 1.. I'm jus saying from these videos it hardly ever 1 on 1..
Animals fighting
5.12 no respect for the law.
I hate when someone gets beat up but I want them to win like if I was u I will get up and beat they mfing ass
Lol , it looks like he stuffed pillows in his ass . @ 4:13
Well were the police helping
I have yet to ever see a video where a black person was open able to operate a phone and record properly ?
Hood rats in hair hats unite!
Why the hell the person recording hiding behind everybody else instead of getting they ass out in the open the capture it right, wasting people damn time.
Lol most of these comments…ignorant asf point fingers judging the black race but no one said a thing about the counter jumping white bitch in the restarunt?? But yet you mfs sat there nd watched just like the rest of us.so who's more ignorant fr the ppl judging making racist comments?or the mfs who actually fighting?it's sad how it's a bunch of videos on here with all types of sizes nd race but you white ppl still turn a blind eye to the wrong that your own race is doing but will down another race wow.so to all the racist ass bitches with African jokes monkey jokes nd hood jokes stfu nd examine your own fucked up race before judging the next bc y'all don't have a pot to piss in nor a window to throw it out nd ppl with glass houses shouldn't throw stone's! Meanwhile white kid's out here shooting up ⛪ nd school's judge that shit you simple minded bitches!
It's always the black people. always.
Dude got kicked in the face by a bare foot if that ain't African idk what is???
Hey! Black Lives matter!!! Unless they’re arguing and filming each other, but hey WORLD STAR!!!
Them brothers stomped his ass good
I hope those cops in the third video did not catch aids those are nasty mf
I like how half of these people can't even fight
we wuz kangzzzzzzzzz
Welcome to Wakanda!!!! ???
This is what they want us to do kill each stay woke my people wake up wake up..
The police didn’t do shit .
7 mins typical pussies jumping
This is why your earth will burn.
Black folk y'all FUCKING kill me with your stand it up bullshit. If homeboy can't keep the fight standing then Fuck him he gets to get a beating. As soon as one of yall's boys start to get lit about 6 of you sonsabitches force a stand up. Establish whatever rules before the fight if you doing that bullshit. But don't expect me to stop fighting and stand up. Na, I ain't with that. And y'all please stop the assaults when you got youngsters right there. Oh and if dude is already unconscious please restrain buckwheat and bae bae from continuing to stomp his face. Thanks
Y'all need to DO BETTER out here do you feel me?
People have no self control think before an act.
These are the saddest people in America
Even bad people wear real sneaker 555
that all women know how to do in those situations… yell… pathetic creatures.
u cant see the fight half the time because everyone going crazy and forget there filming
Bruh don’t pick fights with people at their jobs. They already don’t wanna be there as it is.
Haha that Girl skirt turned into a Thong…
I bet the guy in blue stole that hover board?? :35
Screaming never helps any situation.
Where the fuk did all these dudes thinkin they females come from?? Wearin braws n shit WTF is the world coming to ?
These was some good fights
8:40 chick in the blue went mayweather ??
And at minute 7:30 is why blacks get shot lol