It’s Friday! So that means it’s time for the Fails of the Week! This time we have a close call with a car, the coolest deliveryman of all time, and more!
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im a failure
And this is exactly why I stay at home on the couch.
Balls to the walls?
No, it's balls to the falls.
Did that guy literally jump inside a sinking truck?
SLOW MO IS NEVER FUNNY – TILT IT! Slowmo is only for beautiful scenes.
4:45 best prank ever
Dude at 5:20 is so god damn stupid…..omg
4:14 is win
What thats not dq if it falls XD
3:47 like come on now ??
Damn, that one with the truck sinking was hella scary. Good thing that guy had friend's to demand he get his ass out.
yo wtf was happening at 5:12
5:30 got me really good with that siren. Jeez….
5:07 I think i've heard a fart
That dude at the crosswalk stepping over nothing, lololol
The cat at 5:43 wtf
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0:01 Oh! Right in the DiNUTsaurs
5:42 OMG ?????
4:34 that dude don’t know what is snowing lol. Look at winter in quebec lol
my favourite
5:11 О, Господи! Машина тонет! Залезу-ка я в нее по-быстренькому!!!
2:12 what kind of candle is that anybody??
Hey Don! Youre a fucking idiot LOL
5:45 i'm crying ????
5:20 Silent hill incoming
4:05 when you order same day shipping
I can imagine how scared the person was in the spun out car