Happy Friday! It’s time for Fails of the Week! This week we have a little girl learning the dangers of tetherball, a handstand gone wrong, and more! Go get your very own FailArmy merch here: https://fail.army/YTgear
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FailArmy is the world’s number one source for epic fail videos and hilarious compilations. We’re powered by fan submissions and feedback from all around the world, with over 30 million fans across digital platforms!
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Back in the day, failarmy used to be FAIL army, not just "letsgetsomecompilationofstupidfunnyvideos army"… I know that you have t maintain the channel dudes, but this… Getting rly pathetic… Also shit load of repeating "fails"… hope that u rly will get this better at some point.
How did that even happen at 5:58
Just a bunch of stupid people doing stupid things!
what's the name of this guy in 1:35 ???
0:29 how the hell did that cat get in there?
LMAO 1:05
1:21 is epic , what a class room ?
1:50 Eatin pussy
Is that the NEW Wim Hoff method at 2:00
@ 0:43 what creature is that stealing the french fries? CREEPY!
3:35 Omg that's friggin virginia beach
@6:00 FFS, what, are they in a trap house??
1:01 Little Girl"It's no fun cuz I'm short!"
how do you think I feel.
Omg, please add less vertical clips to your videos. They look awful.
Fuck I hate this new pile of shit mess of a thumbnail you guys use, once you get past that its not puke you still have to figure out what the fuck it is. I stopped watching because of it………..just leaving a wake the fuck up comment!
sub til Bengtsson & Lundberg
4:20 that little squeak can be heard around the world
1:43 I bet you did
Subscribe to my channel for more funny videos !!!!
2:00 – does anyone know who this man is?
Oh dear, this Girl on the end was so foolish?
1:35 he doesn’t close the lid he just freaking eats it
5:56 every child brat's quotes "I wish I should've listened to Dad"
SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE FUNNY VIDEOS https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCPp2EKh4-t4ITNk9frWbLg
2:52 – don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.
5:11 I now have a new idea for porn shoot. Hear me out. Step Daughter Stuck in Floor Gets Face Fucked" We've all seen Step Stuck Under Table Gets Fucked. This is the sequel.
4:36 hey at least it was nice enough to use the crosswalk instead of jaywalking like some douche.
owl in the house?
Always listen to your daddy
Stupid vertical Videos
One time my dad said he supposedly got drunk and accidentally put his penis in my butt
Where’s the tetherball?!!
Nvm 1:07 lol
An owl in your living room?
The last one gives me anxiety
1:17 holy shit!!! a russian spy
Fails are good, music is gayyyy!
Awesome. Great channel !
Literally none of these are fails :/
The first one tho..
Recently weeklies are awesome
1:47 wow check out the colour of the cats left eye
I'm calling here to support pewdiepie against t-series if you have done it yet.
The First Video was Not funny that was a Little Boy