►Rescue an Abandoned Dog That Will Melt Your Heart, Now Watch His Transformation
►Subscribe Here: https://bit.ly/2N4i8t2
►Salvador was found wandering on the road, and they were shocked when they came across a dirty, This dog wa starving wooly, abandoned creature. It was too riwky to attempt a rescue there, we were worried that he could run, But he eventually understood we are only trying to help him.
►Information source: credit for all rescuer & adopter, please support them to rescue more puppy if possible. You can contact them as below
PayPal ralvernia@hotmail.com
►►►►►►►►► THANKS FOR WATCHING ◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄
If there are any copyright issues with any videos posted here i will remove them. please contact my email : abbyalvin2017@gmail.com
►All images belong to its respectful owners
No copyright infringement is intended
1-The Story of Pregnant Dog, Rescued From a Kill Shelter at The Last Minute.:https://youtu.be/cTfbWdYC5_8
2-Dog Abandoned Because Of His Face Finds Mom Who Thinks He's Perfect: https://youtu.be/gekRDdOEm3Y
3-Top 10 Most Loyal Dogs In All Time: https://youtu.be/KQ1prGYHjHE
Muito muito muito obrigada
Poor thing looks like a Holocaust victim!
His ass is flat ? skin and bones ?
quelle honte pour l'espece humaine bravo il faut montrer ça a tout le monde
Dios permita que mis oraciones Sean efectivas para estos Angelitos perrunos disculpen por lo mismo sufro Al saber que todavia existen bestias salvajes ignorantes que hacen sufrir estos Angelitos perrunos que siguen sufriendo por la sociefad que existe en estos tiempos pero cierto es que hay Angeles veterinarios y asistentes con mucho amor para atender y asistir a estos Angelitos perrunos que van o son llevados con dolor enfermedad y le Dan tratamiento con mucho amor orare por su lavor dios los bendice soy la señora Ivette Leon defensora de estos animalitos abandonados desde Puerto Rico gracias.
Kill the former owner
You're a good Angel for him he's so cute dog I don't know why people abused that dog is so scary when I see it and and also the skinny bones he's really starving to death but I hope you look after that dog is so cute and lovely so wonderful to have you thanks for that for saving him I'm so proud of you
Aapka number send plzz
Aalaka number send me plzzz
Tội nghiệp
this is amazing work you are doing.
wow like ciripa
Beautiful ! May God bless you, and these angels,♡ and great work.
He or she? They keep using both
what a lovely dog thanks for saving him from death ,the man who abandoned him must be left in desert for whole life,so he can feel starving for food.
I m so happy for these rescuer
Alot of butt sniffing ?
Este perro se aparece a mi perro que también lo recogí de la calle y ahora es el mimado de la casa. Este mes cumple 7 años
Ca fait mal de voir que les maîtres abandonné son animal mais bravo à vous
Esas personas se merecen el cielo
mom said to leave a like
That is so sweet of you to do that
I dnt know why some r unliking this video..