Happy Friday! This week we have a particularly hilarious sled fail, a bounce house faceplant, and more!
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What do you gain from throwing boiling water into snow?
1:05 the better fail of the video
This one sucked
muy lindo el video y todo lastima los 5 minutos con el gordo pajero ese al final
2:00 Hai, Ilie!
I love man bun guy! ?
4:51 Meanwhile in Norway
@5.:38 I think he was scared of your sweater!
scared dude at the end is soooo cute
2:08 romanians
What kind of frightened vikings are those
OMFG! 4:52 ?????
We do not remember days, we remember moments
Boring at the end
I understand why you bleep it out, but when can cussing just stop being so offensive to people? They are literally just words, have people ever heard the phrase "sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me"? The bleeping is just annoying.
2:00 can someone link me that original video of Romanian ice skating?
2:00 Mandra ca sunt din Romania????
4:36 getting ready for a future in porn
That guy getting scared was actually a fainting goat
Last one you played 10000p times in a row was so dumb not funny nothing you fail army have become absouloute garbage.
Fail army padding fail! How long can we make our videos
Scarin' the piss out of man-bun Rhett McLaughlin
1:09 oh gooooood oh goood my eyyyyyyeeeeesss my eyyyeeeeessss
Love drom Pakistan
I barely understand a word that black woman said to her daughter…