ANIMAL RESCUE COMPILATION ►► Have your faith in humanity restored and watch the greatest internet clips of people rescuing animals. Watch heroes saving dogs, cats and more, from frozen rivers, muddy pits, and entanglements.
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5:04 bruh i really hate cats they're so stupid and annoying when they meow
The pufferfish was so cute
People helping dogs makes me the happiest
You are my heroes.
Omg 6:02 , a cougar+deer mix!
Why would anyone dislike this amazing vid? Anyway, the fish pair at 4:25 was too sweet, with one of them sticking by her partner in trouble until he was freed..talk about loyalty that humans often don't display!
I thought the chipmunk just had a shower or some shit. I was thinking that’s a bit of a stretch
So sweet. Fish love too.
Дай Бог вам здоровья за каждую спасённую душу
may all beings and creatures be free from enmity and danger,
may all beings and creatures be free from mental suffering,
may all beings and creatures be free from physical suffering,
may all beings and creatures be free from suffering,
may all beings and creatures protect themselves,
may all beings and creatures be able to take care of themselves peacefully.
source: https://www.wildmind.org/mantras/figures/sabbesatta
Это все от того, что у кого-то слишком узкие норы. Нет, это все от того, что кто-то слишком много ест.
Que DEUS abençoe aqueles que fazem o bem.
2:26 proud face 😀
That is world i liked 😉
Thank you
Wow !!!
Wild animal's instinct to run away from people over come by their instincts to protect their young.
Many human mothers could learn from this.
Jajaja me encanta
Wow. Bicyclists seem to do a lot of animal rescues.
So far 214, waon't call them humans have not worled out, hello this is animal rescue videos, if you hate watching then D O N " T
Como me alegro muito em ver q tem tantas pessoas sendo anjos
Que salvam vidas ?
Hey, sometimes animals need a human hand ? with our unique perception.
Thank you!
Everything about hunting and fishing is cruel and borderline inhuman. Just saying
Thank you for may God bless you guy's
candidate for steak, hot dog, sushi, roasted duck, yum yum
Job well done, people!!!
Everyone of those people r heroes !!!!…❤??❤
Before watching this video I'll bet anything there are mostly white people in the video and then every other race except Chinese there's no way a Chinese would not eat the animal. But if I'm wrong ill say sorry in a response to my own comment
Il y a quand même 208 personnes qui ont disliké cette video… qu'est ce qu'elles n'aiment pas je me demande.
2:10 little fatty)
I swear those damn pufferfish knew those people were help them
animal lives matter
G-d bless these people
I love happy endings. Thank you guys for saving the helpless animals. Sometimes animals need human intervention.
Yes save that deer so somebody can kill it with a bow and arrow!
The cat wanted to do it again. ?
That cow looks dead
4:02: Like us, other Animals know when a people is kind. That fish normally hurts with his spikes.
I wonder if those cocksuckers at Gillette want to put all these brave men in their commercial
Love these videos.