WTF MOMENTS ON THE ROAD and ROAD RAGE 2017 Caught on Dash Cam, Epic Retarded Drivers Fails 2017 #638 – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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INSTANT KARMA, INSTANT JUSTICE (Compilation) – https://goo.gl/b9LjvX
Incredible luck // CLOSE CALLS (Compilation) – https://goo.gl/sSQpKh
Ultimate Driving Fails Compilation – https://goo.gl/XawRNA
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Are dose drivers play GTA ?
11:12 What a stand up guy he probably saved lives including the pissed as driver!
2:20 WTF why did that dude drive into that sink WTF
Why do people turn left from the right lane???? This shit is painful
That father at 1:20, shouldn't blame anyone but himself. Only a stupid parent trusts a light, crosswalk, other drivers or a God to watch out for their kids.
The basics of foreigners are stupid!
From the Japanese perspective
1:22 wtf what a dumb ass man!! What a way to teach ur child to look both ways before crossing!!! then You GET MAD AT THAT CAR WHEN YOU ARE AT FAULT!! I would have got out the car and smack tf out of u!!!?
0:42 that’s what ur ass gets for almost running!!!
Looks like man and another person standing at 2:49 was dead.
90% of these accidents are avoidable to be honest..if you late the most you can gain from overspending is at most 2 minutes….not worth your life or your body limbs
Stay off the roads in Russia…and China!
That moron @6:56 caused an accident and just kept going. Smh
Cyka blyat!
00:58 – "Hey, I see your head is where the street and the sidewalk meet…let me move you a few inches so I can curb stomp you!'
Who just who taught these ppl how to drive??????
The first clip. It is hard to be a bad ass when your car starts to leave you.
2:22 There's a particular type of stupidity that can only be found in China
6:13, man, that Asian guy was pissed ??
Is there anyone still alive in Russia?
Russian drivers are all fucking idiots !!
I Sruuu! 😀
Most of the people don't have patience or wouldn't want to apply brakes. They seem to be driving as if they're day dreaming !!!!!
If you don't have the common sense to know your vehicle isn't in Park (or if it's a standard, that the parking brake isn't set) you should not drive.
That guy at 1:24 should have killed that stupid mother fucker in the car
В начале мужик нервный какой-то.
this is diet?
@ 01:22 if this was me i swear i will beat the driver ass and disable him for the rest of his fucking life…
I'm tellin my MOM !!!!!!
He was the whole and still went I it wtf
that biker falling into the hole hahaha
O melhor negócio lá na Rússia é oficina e funilaria.
Now that you have purchased your very first dash cam, be careful lest it bare witness against you.
This is exactly how the skanks on my side of town drive
Большая половина идиотов на России… Это радует – популяция сокращается.
I don't know if they have the right of way to cross, but that dad and kid still have to be aware of the car. You crossing the street ain't going to make the car stop on a dime.
на первом видосе он сам бык, зачем ей сигналил??? она же его не задерживала, пропустила ребенка и поехала.
The wtf is these ppl choice of music
God!! Just strengthens my belief in public transportation & taxis in Europe!!!!
Chinese drive scooters as Harley.
10:23 'Sorry seems to be the hardest word.'
Love the commercial with Elizabeth warren. Evidently growing up in the household she grew up in she didnt learn a thing. Except her female white splaining.
1:37 ?? ?? ?? ? that guy