These are some of the closest calls ever caught on camera.
Fastest Workers Compilation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OR7aCvQpRVM&t
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Close Calls & Near Misses Compilation 2018
As long as u never bother a shark, it’ll never bother u.
Last one is 100% a fatality
6:42 I love the parents attempt to save the child.
5:22 "… are you fucking kidding me, mate?" …. just love Australian accent
mad skills
or just plain bump
"….half the people who drive, are IDIOTS!"
Dude god was watching over that dog during the ohv races
cop could have drove his car out of fire
5:30 …the man yelling shark pointed the the man with the camera's left. The man with the camera then went under water and turned around, where he went under water again (After taking a breath) and then saw the shark. The shark was also not close enough to the surface for the men above the water to see, as you can't really see far down when the man's camera was above the water. Not only that, but the shark could not get from the man's left close to the surface of the water, to the man's right that low in that amount of time. Besides the second time the man saw the shark, he swam towards where the shark swam off. And look how shallow the water is when he is getting out. The shark couldn't fit there, even though in the video he swam over there.
0:32 the rock bounced…
and the local fire department or store manager, or policeman with a fire extinguisher is ,,,??
Why didn't people drive their cars away the gas was on fire being burned off
near miss? that doesn't make sense. a near miss would be a hit wouldn't it? i think near hit would make more sense
he kind of just yeeted the child from the stroller
Humans are the smartest animals?
Rule 1: try to move slowly not fast bc moving fast attracts the sharks attention
You couldn't have found a more monotonous and stupid music, could you ?
If that guy at 5:50 swam any slower he would be going backward in time…..
Why no headphone warnings for the lightning man
lose the stupid "music"
1:10 there using blanks retard so of course nothing happened
Those bitches tryna stop the train like it's a fucking taxi…wtf
3.25 – he would have saved a lot more if he had moved his car with inflammable tyres away from the fire!
11:42 Shazam !
That shark one were he jump off the cliff is fake the shark at one point teleports on the screen
if we had bears over here my rule of thumb would be dont go after them with a bow and arrow
It does seem odd that she would reflexively recoil but not pull the stroller back with her. That poor kid has a self centered mother and will likely not be the better for it.
5:28 This video is fake.
5:28 is super fake
I hate hate hate hate hate your forced voice overs stolen from the comments section of wherever you got these videos
6:35 buses are required to stop and wait for all students to cross before moving onward and they must make students cross infront of bus to ensure safety that near miss was the bus drivers fault
the only reason i liked and commented this video was because the man had saved himself from killing a dog
The guy filming the girl in the beach when lightning struck is fake
He literally froze and screamed @ 5:43
Why did the off duty duty cop not just drive the car off? instead he grabs something out of the trunk? wth
Why do you call these near misses? They are near hits.
Dumb ass comment. You forgot the kid! Though still saving his life for some scratches.
Wow lady is not caring so mean!!!!!!!
video at 5:30 has been proven to be a fake
Most of these could be solved if Natural Selection still existed
If they were live rounds his head would've erupted like old faithful spewing a cocktail of teeth and bone mixed with blood and pink cauliflower.