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Life may be tough for the animals of Houston, but it’s about to get a lot tougher for those who mistreat them. When the Houston SPCA responds to a cry for help from a self-confessed animal hoarder they find themselves embroiled in one of the most extreme cases they’ve ever had to deal with. At a house just minutes from the Houston SPCA shelter more than sixty dogs have forced the hoarder from her own home. While she sleeps on the porch, the dogs have the run of the house and after years of neglect have turned feral and aggressive. At the rear of the property Investigator Maverick Wagner discovers the most heavily matted dog he’s ever seen. Blind in one eye and all but deaf the dog is hanging on by a thread. Back at base the medical team fights to save her life while in Polk County Chief Investigator Charles Jantzen and the team have their hands full rescuing a herd of emaciated horses, including a wild mustang that refuses to come quietly.
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Is the mustang a girl or boy because they said both genders?
Why they touching the dogs with their bare hands ?
this is why i hate spca because that dog with mange was not in a severe condition he dont even need all that work done to him and you just wanna put him down along with "many others"
Matilda is beautiful. If I could I would actually adopt her and maybe a Yorkie dog because I LOVE Yorkies.
bruh who wears vans too a house filled with feces
Poor babies :(((((
Am I the only one that feels bad for the two dogs left?
No old lady you don’t pray to god, you call the animal shelter and tell them that you wanna surrender your dogs. Done.
The manager of the shelter, Tarra, is just looking for any excuse to put these dogs to sleep.
Why can’t u guys give the dogs that look like their not going to make it a chance to live
What if there was a fire in that house?
My favorite animal is a horse so this is vary sad for me and dogs are my 2 favorite animal ????
I don’t see how the people looking at these dogs in real life are not crying if that was my job I would ball my eyes out like I am right now
Keeping a dog? She is an animal abuser! She deserve to be in jail!!! Makes me furius! This animal cruelty!
I live near Houston. I can't believe that people in my area do things like this. It's just wrong.
“I’ll hopefully establish some trust…” (brings whip)
It has always been a dream of mine to work for the ASPCA
The First Lady has serious problems. How you gonna be an Animal lover and treat these dogs likes this?
Lol "Texas" european accent
That first lady should be put down instead
Wow she sure does love dogs