Help me escape near death experience by sending me pennies
Help me escape near death experience by sending me pennies
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Help me escape near death experiences by sending me money!
"Let's go into the kitchen tent. Oh no there's no kitchen tent."
1:22 boycott treewalls!!!
self entitled pieces of shit adrenaline junkies begging to be whiped from the gene pool. no sympathy at all.
I was probably 10 that time when me and my friends went for a swim in the beach. We were really having fun until when my legs cramp. I couldn't even move, I was waving at them and was asking for help because my body can't move. The worst is that they just stared at me, some just laughed. I was literally cried for help until someone helped me, and that was my enemy. I AM NOT JOKING. She helped me, I owe her. So after that I went home like nothing happened. our house is near the beach so I just walked and my vision is a bit dizzy. I went to the shower and sit there for almost an hour because my head ached. I can really remember how it felt like. That time I felt like my head is going to crack and I really wanna throw up. I passed out and no one knew. I just woke up because of the sound of the water coming from the shower. Thats it I'm still alive and I thank God and the one who saved me.
Bro, Just from the way ha was bending the knees, shifting his weight backwards too far, his approach to the slope, that kid is not ready to go out of any standard slope dude. He didn't just fall there, he lost control because he had no idea of how to stop on fresh powder
Be a bit more responsible and careful
who would win? a parachuter or 1 flappy boi
'Tree Wells are responsible for 20 percent of all ski deaths' (straight after) this is what makes up the other 80 percent
This is why I stay indoors lol
%100 of ski deaths caused by… skiing.
11:18 “OH SPAGHETTI!!”
Fucking eagle was my favorite clip
Just toss the fucking rope, he doesn’t need a clip.
People are stupid
17:00 the train‼️?
14:25 “…You are my fucking dinner.”
Tree wells are fucking terrifying I fell into one and I was lucky to be close to people
I got like 6914873 anxiety attacks while watching this holy shit
You're not lara croft. Dont go ice picking without a rope.
That last one fucked with me
6:03 fuck that was lucky
Ok I’m gonna drop
causes avalanche
that dude at 12:05 was so fucking stupid. He just stood there and watched it take him away. genius IQ
That dude that was ice climbing with nope. He was lucky he didn't move any further with out the rope because when he did the ice slipped ?
I had a near death experience. It's called marriage. I almost killed that cunt
Ive climbing with no rope now that’s asking for it
Ice climbing no rope..
going into a small train tunnel..
Never going skydiving or paragliding or anything of the sorts.
17:10 his buddy pushed him down loo
but did the guy with the parachute help the bird though
I thank god I wasn’t a sports person.
I don’t get the free diving one. He went down, came up?
1:25 the only reason I don’t wanna powder ski
@14:26 I'm alive one piece I'm an eagle..Merica..lol
Well… The thing is, half of these are preventable by using safe practices. Treewells = don't go near trees. Avalanches = know where the shadow zones are and go between them, never across the face or down the opening like at 1:30. They're taught by every responsible back mountain skier/snowboarder.
Holy fuck I couldn't imagine being that dude that was skiing and have that avalanche happen and get stuck like that.
I was super nervous and breathing heavy watching that shit and I'm a person that stays calm in ppressure positions but that would of gave me a damn heart attack. Would of been a super hard situation to keep your composure and not freak right out
Glad everyone made it out of these events!
Was the eagle alright? Lol