Humanity should make it a mission to make sure all grandma recipes are recorded.
aaaaaah shes gone ?
Her smile is the most beautiful thing ❤️
so cute
Can you send me the recipe please? I can’t see how much off all these ingredients I need. Thanks
Rest in peace granny !those were good skills u gave us. watchin from Kenya and proud that at that age you cooked better than many young ladies out here. That was a good spirit devoted to its work. May GOD REWARD YOU .
Rest in peace granny❤️❤️
Wow I’ll never complain about my kitchen again. So sad. She doesn’t even have a proper knife and cutting board. Poor thing doesn’t have any teeth! They are all outside on the ground. Makes you grateful for what we have. Food looks interesting.
If you were my grandma id be so honoured the wisdom and knowledge you have is priceless rip
She's so cute I'm crying
Rest in peace
She looks adorable…… As well the food tooo……
Lovely videos and recipes!!! Great inspiration to many, a love her videos that are always accompnied by this soothing music. Does anybody know where I could get this soundtrack, so peaceful! Thank you! Sadly when I discovered her videos she soon passed away… RIP
Ose musali nuv super ai
Get rid of the irritating plinky plonky mussak it's so annoying
Ça a l’air trop bon ?
The recipe looks great I cant wait to try it – what is the name of the background music?
Delicious amazing ?
How did you make it like a paste? I wish they would have shown that part. Ugh!
I would not eat anything she cooked hygiene is real! That's f…ing disgusting food prep
Humanity should make it a mission to make sure all grandma recipes are recorded.
aaaaaah shes gone ?
Her smile is the most beautiful thing ❤️
so cute
Can you send me the recipe please? I can’t see how much off all these ingredients I need. Thanks
Rest in peace granny !those were good skills u gave us. watchin from Kenya and proud that at that age you cooked better than many young ladies out here. That was a good spirit devoted to its work. May GOD REWARD YOU .
Rest in peace granny❤️❤️
Wow I’ll never complain about my kitchen again. So sad. She doesn’t even have a proper knife and cutting board. Poor thing doesn’t have any teeth! They are all outside on the ground. Makes you grateful for what we have. Food looks interesting.
If you were my grandma id be so honoured the wisdom and knowledge you have is priceless rip
She's so cute I'm crying
Rest in peace
She looks adorable…… As well the food tooo……
Lovely videos and recipes!!! Great inspiration to many, a love her videos that are always accompnied by this soothing music. Does anybody know where I could get this soundtrack, so peaceful! Thank you! Sadly when I discovered her videos she soon passed away… RIP
Ose musali nuv super ai
Get rid of the irritating plinky plonky mussak it's so annoying
Ça a l’air trop bon ?
The recipe looks great I cant wait to try it – what is the name of the background music?
Delicious amazing ?
How did you make it like a paste? I wish they would have shown that part. Ugh!
I would not eat anything she cooked hygiene is real! That's f…ing disgusting food prep
Butter chicken super
Bolo ya likho ap kya dal rahe ho
Awesome, using the word in its correct meaning.