Daily Russian car crashes & Road Rage, Bad drivers compilation #502 – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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Best car crashes and road rage from around the world. On this channel you will find compilations on different themes: bad drivers, car crashes,road rage, close call, instant karma, and many other compilations. All pleasant viewing! Fresh compilations every day!.
Dear viewers, if you own the copyright to any video posted on the channel, and you are against placing your dashcam videos on the list, and if you want to see your video in the compilation please write us:
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Ultimate Close Call Compilation 2016
Videos featured in the following compilation are intended for CRITISISM, EDUCATIONAL and JOURNALISTIC purposes.
Are we all gonna ignore the fact that the trailer on the semi at 0:50 is burned out?
Protect the LADA!
Mother Russia!
Just plain stupid. Ram you Dam you get out of my way attitude.
The rules are for everyone's benefit.
"The rules don't apply to me" seems to be the norm.
Last one? Krokodil ?
Unlike in USA or UK, u get what u ask for, in the last video!!! 10:57
Концовка збс
традиционное месево в конце) побольше такого))
i came here for the music but, stayed for the crashes 😉
Офигеть, дом развалился на ровном месте.
Watching these Russian car crash videos makes me go to my closet and grab a winter jacket.
Russian videos
Recorded on the dashcam
What doesn't kill you
Makes you stronger
Торчки в конце прям порадовали!
В конце торчков весело раскумарили )))
The last video was poetic justice! Three against one…or so they thought! They got beat worse than Hillary Clinton! Haaaa!
The last one was really fun
Ну в последнем видео водитель нексии беспределит прям. Сам начал сигналить, ведь мог же подождать, это ведь дворы, тут могут люди выйти. Да еще и драться полез. Ладно, пьяное быдло, но они на него руки не поднимали.
do you what to make a romanian car crashes??????plzzzz
Приятного просмотра, будьте аккуратней на дороге!
Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!