?EXOTIC Vietnamese food PART 1 » https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5H6jl_g2XE
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Special thanks to Khánh Linh for taking me on this exotic food tour in Hanoi!
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1. ĐỘC QUÁN: Insects
ADDRESS: Số 26, Ngõ 254, Đường Bưởi, Ba Đình, Hà Nội
OPEN: 11AM – 12AM
?This exotic restaurant opened in 2011 and has been serving unique insects ever since. The owner is from Northwest Vietnam, and works with local suppliers living in the Northwest region. The delicacies we tried are seasonal; they serve bee larvae from September to October, stink bugs from January to February and bamboo worms from March to May. Fried stink bugs hold the title of best seller.
?PRICE: Bee Larvae: 12.21 USD/285,000 VND | Fried Stink Bug: 6.43 USD/150,000 VND | Bamboo Worm: 6.43 USD/150,000 VND
2. QUÁN KIẾN: Ant Egg Sticky Rice
ADDRESS: 100 Tuệ Tĩnh street, Hai Bà Trưng district, Hà Nội
The owner of Quán Kiến has relatives living in Laos, who supply Laos ant eggs (in March and April of each year) and gave him the idea to open a restaurant specializing in ants and other insects. He also offers Vietnamese ant eggs, which are smaller and firmer than those from Laos, and supplied from Northwest Vietnam.
?ANT EGG STICKY RICE: Sticky rice, fried shallot, Vietnamese ant egg, minced pork, overcooked rice, shallot, fish sauce, pepper, seasoning
?STIR-FRIED ANT EGGS: mix fish sauce, seasoning, pepper, lemongrass, chilli, shallot, Laos ant egg, wood ear mushroom and minced pork
?PRICE: Ant Egg Sticky Rice: 6.21 USD/145,000 VND | Stir-fried Ant Eggs and Crackers: 6.21 USD/145,000 VND | Buffalo Skin Salad: 4.93 USD/115,000 VND
3. LƯƠNG SƠN QUÁN: Freshwater Turtle Meat
ADDRESS: 173, Thái Hà street, Đống Đa district, Hà Nội
OPEN: 10AM – 11PM
Lương Sơn Quán opened in 2015 and quickly became one of Hanoi’s most unique restaurants. The decor of the restaurant was inspired by Chinese heros.
?FRIED TURTLE: First poach the turtle in turmeric water with turmeric powder, MSG, pepper, seasoning and fermented rice. Marinate the turtle meat with seasoning, MSG, pepper and frying powder. Fry the marinated turtle meat, adding fried garlic and shallots. Sprinkle in homemade salt powder. Top it off by garnishing with sliced betel leaf.
?TURTLE HOTPOT: First poach the turtle in turmeric water with turmeric powder, MSG, pepper, seasoning and fermented rice. Add MSG, fish sauce, seasoning, palm sugar, shrimp paste, frying oil, turmeric and fermented rice water. Next add in fried tofu, young banana, pork belly, betel leaves, fried garlic and shallots and chili. Serve with raw veggies, including coriander, perella, banana flower and vermicelli noodles.
?PRICE: 23.57 USD/550,000 VND per kg
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Hey, I’m Sonny! I’m from the US but currently call Vietnam home. I’ve been living in Asia for 10 years and started making food and travel videos to document my experiences. People either enjoyed my undeniable charm or enjoyed watching me eat things like coconut worms, and thus Best Ever Food Review Show came to be.
I travel to different parts of the world, hunting down and documenting the most unique food each country has to offer. If you see any factual food errors in my videos, please feel free to politely let me know in the comments. I’m a huge fan of trying different, interesting foods in each country. My show is from a Western point of view, but more importantly, MY point of view. It is not meant to offend any person or culture.
Don’t forget to subscribe to Best Ever Food Review Show, so we can connect through food and travel and become Bestys!
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PRODUCER » Huỳnh Hà My
For business inquiries, please email: team.befrs@gmail.com
Thanks so much for watching! Follow me on Instagram for more fun food videos! @InstaSonnySide
Big thanks to Linh for joining me on this mouth adventure. Follow more food fun from her here on Insta @tastydarling_
Next time you're in Vietnam, hit up Onetrip for an amazing tour: https://www.christinas.vn/onetrip/saigon/
She looks like female version of Mario
i'm viet but i'm not brave
keep it up 😉 love your vids!
What is bial of a turtle?
Cute girl
Việt Nam chào các bạn trên toàn Thế giới
It was not green flavour hahahaha
She looks the like the daughter in family guy! What’s the characters name meg ! ?
She looks like meg from family guy
Trypophobia joined the chat…
every asian countries they have softshell turtle most of them ate them accept for some buddhism they don't eat it and muslim don't eat it too .But for pig nose turtle most asian don't eat them .The best is to cook softshell turtle with herbs soup .
Yeahhhh no. Not everything needs to be eaten..
Hi Linh…. Its a hand shake lmao
4:00 She looks like Edna Mode!
“ahhhh me want wata” ????
Me want water that was legit sweet and funny at the same time
Ant eggs are very popular in Mexico , I can’t wait you visit more Latin America ??? I’ve learn a lot in your channel, I enjoin a lot
Is she related to jackie chan?
2:00 Wouldn't be any cockroaches crawling around that kitchen, be like on set of a horror movie for them
"… to know the taste of it … you have to eat a frog !!!???"
hahaha … very funny
I liked what that girl was wearing, she looked really pretty!
oye oye oye.. what have I gotten myself into?
B*tch, you just ate ant eggs!! ??
I respect people cultures but honestly I throw up 3 times when I watched this video. Man that is crazy. why bugs or blood. I would rather become a vegetarian for whole my life than eating bugs or blood. ???
I feel like throwing up after watching this video!!?
Drinking raw blood is not that healthy. It may contain parasites or whatsoever they call micro bugs very harmful for human.
Actually what you eat the Chinese soft shell turtle in restaurant are all from turtle farm not wild.
She looks like Meg From family guy, but vietnamese
Oh her voice is so sweet, Vietnamese Dora the explorer
sonny eating bugs with a troll
Man… you are amazing! I think i'm gonna die trying to eat all that rare exotic foods ???
9:55 what happened with his finger?
I think you are eating everything without plastic.
Sonny loves silk worms ?
When you go to România?
We eat turtle in the U.S. you could've come to Louisiana lol were having turtle tomorrow
Good way to get parasites, drink Raw Turtle bile and blood
Her worries are smart, bugs are good for you and greasy food isn't!
the last restaurant he's just so fresh and AWESOME DESIGN !
I thought those turtles were on the edge of extinction?
She looks like the turtle they are eating
Oh dear God!!!
You need "Don't think just chew" merch!
My grandma was born in vietnam and here I am, trying to know more about it
Tbh if your not eating these types of daily it will prob give you desentery
Noooooo!!!! SAVE THE TURTlE!!!!
What just happened here at 2:52???
hardly anything tastier than Chiang Rai ant eggs – believe me !!!