Happy Friday! It’s time for Fails of the Week! This week we have a sled fail featuring a pony, a sledgehammer fail, and more!
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1:25 that guy at the end: hhhh not again
Guy dancing during traffic jam is EPIC!
That first vid, impressive height but gravity was always going to win
0:52 when she fell she got a spare and it was perfect timing
Dr Phil: you are not the father
The guy who isn’t the father: 2:25
The brutha @ 2:24 is my new hero (I've thought about doing this so many times during heavy traffic).
0:01 how is that sport named?
2:24 will be in fortnite very soon
Why the hell is the dogs name peto that means dick in English
Why is it so funny to me when people fall down hahah!
I remember when this channel was decent
feed tito
Cake drop was so incredibly staged….
4:27 HE DROPPED THE CAKEEEEEEEEEE OMG I CAN'T!!!!!!! ???????????????????????????
4:17 link plz
Vertical video = shit
The real fail is the vertical recording angle of most of these videos. Your eyes are horizontal, folks. Have some sense.
No slomo. THUMBS UP!!!
5:08 = ART
Unrelated but WHO'S BRIGHT IDEA WAS IT TO HAVE A DROP DOWN FOR ADS (on mobile at least)
4:27 staged af
2:24 the real Titus Andromedon
3:40 luckily his Afro cushioned his head.
twitch.tv/shotorou – помогите начинающему стримему набрать аудиторию, стримы почти каждый день =)
The guy with the nunchuks is awesome his neighbor making fun of him is a fuckface.
For those who want to dance like the dude on 2:24 >>>>>>>>>>>>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEGRAw4jpnE
2:23…..when your notifications tell you H&R Block wont be taking half of your tax refund for doing your taxes this year.
Full video from clip at 1:23–1:28
you go tito
Why has this become so boring
4:04 wtf is that pipe doing there?? ???
1:40 Song name?
The Guy's reaction at 1:26 is great
5:52 my mother always told me that im a failure
1:42 top ten characters who can beat Thanos in seconds