WTF MOMENTS ON THE ROAD and ROAD RAGE 2017 Caught on Dash Cam, Epic Retarded Drivers Fails 2017 #647 – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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NEVER go up the inside of a heavy goods when turning also some accidents could be avoided if people paid more attention to whats going on around them not just in front of them
was that guy naked handspringing down the road
some people deserve to wrap their car around a tree and die a slow agonising death, most on this list is such people.
This isn´t about ROAD RAGE. Well some small part yes, but overall mostly about ROAD IDIOTS. Is there any driving skill requirements in Russia at all? It doesn´t look like that. I´ve driven in Italy and it´s a nightmare, but I wouldn´t dare to drive in Russia at all. The idea in traffic isn´t to be first or fastest in all situations, but to get from point A to point B safely and healthy taking in account other drivers and pedestrians as well and also do it in a reasonable time. I´m not on the slow side of drivers, but even in my standards this is ridiculous!
Song at 6:40 pls?
I want to go to Russia! watches video FUCK THAT
I think Californians got their drivers training from Russian drivers!
Russia, the wild west of the world. No rules, just violence.
Good stuff
Watching this shit makes me scared to drive.
Lot of idiots on the road they never learn about safety on the road or even at school ?
Thumbs up to the guy at 9:27, the first decent road user I've seen in these type of videos, he adds +1 to my faith in humanity. It's just a shame everyone else is doing their best to add -1 at every chance they get.
I always enjoy these kinds of videos but please stop using the word "retarded" in your titles or descriptions until you look it up in the dictionary and understand what it truly means. Using that word in your titles is an insult to people that literally have the condition. thank you for your understanding and patience for reading this comment.
3:45 'Excuse me. Excuse ME? Are you killing that man?" Pathetic.
0:30 fiä+ ^ ^
Genuine question: how are drivers in Russia/Baltic states so bad at driving, most of the footage seem to come from there?
3:13 the SUV juke tho
1:49 mrs. pepto bismol
Ничего смешного конечно, но сука. Эти комментарии в первом видосе
That first video isnt wtf or road rage. It only takes two brain cells to realize that truck's brakes failed. What, you think he just barreled into traffic for a prolonged period of time, avoiding vehicles to the best of his ability before plummeting off a bridge because he was sad? Makes no fucking sense. Brakes failed. Case closed. Guess its ultimately just lazy titling, but hey still a cool video. Anything to distract me from all my cousins losing their familys over DACA's repeal. Talk about a buzz kill. #MAGA #LIZARDPEOPLE
I'am brazilian and i love your videos ✌✌
Song at 4:36??
Once again, video proof that motorcycle drivers are assholes on the road
a list of things that do not work in Russia, ….. BRAKES, EYES
hahahaha lane splitting mother fucker had it coming! 5:10
Why did that person do multiple backflips at the beginning of the video???
anyone know the song at 4:36
Wow that was this month
India and Thailand still worse drivers 🙂
Too save same time it's a 95% off Russian bad drivers…Ur wlc 🙂
Fucking russia
5:20 – Guy on the left seat on the car has gotta be dead..