Happy Friday! We have fresh fails for your face! This week we have an over eager dog, a hilarious prom proposal, and more! Submit your videos to FailArmy.com!
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German Shepard Accidentally Pulls Owner off Porch https://goo.gl/hXkNfa
Guy Faceplants After Failing Backflip off Inflatable Ball https://goo.gl/3sZDwL
Girl Backflips into Pool and Lands on Back https://goo.gl/uvg81a
Guy Rides Human Wakeboard Across Water https://goo.gl/WEJ7my
Bulldog Lunges at Owner Dressed as Piñata https://goo.gl/t47meV
Kid Cries with Joy After Winning Video Game https://goo.gl/ysHmdE
Adult man Sits on Kid’s Swing and Breaks It https://goo.gl/KZTC6d
Man Gets Stuck in Medieval age Costume Kept on Display https://goo.gl/qo1Ydj
Skateboarder Hits Cyclist While Trying Kickflip on Road https://goo.gl/E1M5X7
Guy Bounces off Inflatable Trampoline Into Water https://goo.gl/5ap41z
Hesitant Woman Falls Into Pool Awkwardly https://goo.gl/vE32Kq
Little Girl Topples Over After Picking up Giant Teddy Bear https://goo.gl/bHY3LA
Girl Practicing Spin on one Leg Faces Unpleasant Fall https://goo.gl/xc9UxF
Wave Hits man Sleeping Peacefully on Boat https://goo.gl/WbCi5B
Security Guard Chases Skateboarder in Crowded Streets https://goo.gl/7qDNPw
Girl Trips While Trying to Jump Through Flaming Hoop https://goo.gl/iMBs2t
Customer Gives Hand-Drawn Outline of Foot as Shoe Size Reference https://goo.gl/XkdSNh
Supercar Overturns While Speeding up Slope https://goo.gl/xDCsjp
Guy Persistently Fails at Landing Parkour Trick https://goo.gl/EQGokQ
Guy Proclaims Love for Girl After Falling in front of Her https://goo.gl/YL8V8V
Guy Hits Wall Instead of Target While Bowling https://goo.gl/V1jr3z
Biker Flops Into Water While Trying to Skim Pond’s Surface https://goo.gl/gVNKyY
Robotic Garbage Truck Drives Away With Trash Can https://goo.gl/2PNR9d
Guy Falls While Swinging From Pull up Bar https://goo.gl/trQF6m
Guy Faces Nasty Fall After Trying Backflip on Bike https://goo.gl/h94gLA
Girls Face Embarrassing Fall From Scooter https://goo.gl/hwLuC7
Woman Breaks Seat While Riding Grandchild’s Tiny Bike https://goo.gl/dJ63hW
Skateboarder Chips Tooth After Faceplanting on Concrete https://goo.gl/S61QVG
Guy Trips Over Ramp and Falls Clumsily Into Lake https://goo.gl/LYfLDQ
Woman Drops Barbell While Doing Front Lunges https://goo.gl/yFPKGW
4:35 i thought it was thicc chick
eehh fuck it,just throw the whole can in there and lets go
2:36 are you fucki*g kidding me!!!
2:50 this is why suits are stupid. They're not useful. military gear is better. but I dunno. Some girls are jut socialized into stupidity. same for guys of course.
I got my first win on fortnite
4:27 How exactly is this a "Fail"? A fail in the sense that is is weird and sexist?
I’m sauced rn and that garbage truck one literally made me piss in my bed… funny tho ?????
Isso vai para o o vídeo cassetada kkkkk
1:28 why this guy sound like Penn Gillette
1:31 He tripped but made things better!!
2:53 That's probably the farthest that businessman has ever run.
0:29 she didn't let go of the leash!
3:14 you must be really stupid to drive like that.
1:28 "I think I've just fallen in love with you"
If that wasn't part of the act, then that person deserves to be loved.
2:49 that guy who looked like a business man is a piece of shit maybe he was already pissed because he got unemployed ?
1:46 someone just pranked that dude ?
1:26 is the dope this is how you cover your mess ?
1:59 use a power tape to measure its length
What's the dope reggae tune at 5:25? Please help! 🙂
If you cry over fortnight you play way to much
I'm a hopeless romantic, you're just hopeless
Chainmail is nowhere near as hard to get off as that guy was doing it. Just lean forward.
1:14 had me in stitches
He’s being just as retarded for not realising how easy it would be to find the size..
Measure it.. look at a US shoe size to CM chart.. done. 😐
5:13 what this music??Help please
The garbage truck is Family Guy IRL!
3:27 LMAO ?? ?? ?
Idiot in the chain maille… just bend over and let it fall off.
Double You Tea Eff
Very fanny video
5:16 I think that guy is dead
ohhh the ohh ohh ohhh, the ohh …… ohhh … oh …
He s crying over his first win in Fort nite ???
0:22 get new freinds
2:45 this makes me sick!
What is the title of the intro music ?
4:27 Took “ridin’ the bitch” to a whole new level
1:30. If only he fell on a landmine…
After a million solos that’s how I was when I Finally won ?
Gets her first win on fortnite
Mom – "but why are you crying?"
if you played that damn game, you would understand mom… lolol
2:26 Bruder muss los
1:58 why couldn't he just measure
5:31 everytime when u get a new job
that child with her "first fortnite win".. this game needs to be deleted. Its like Facebook: a plague on society.