While a close call may not seem like a fail, this ultimate close call compilation shows how that close call can still turn into a hilarious fail! Your heart will be pounding as you see a couple of inches could have made these fails a lot worse!
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Some of these people deserve what should have happened
Some people are just so stupid ?
what a silly diickkkkk
Now, nobody can’t tell me that God isn’t real! 😀
God has given little more life
Hit or miss
The photographer was a true artist. It’s a shame his friends ruined his shot by getting dramatic and shouting like that.
All these people almost died
Why are this bitches soooo stupid AF !!!!
0:04 no need to call ambulance
0:48 the one guy crawling got me dead ??
People wanna die.
2;28 all that sweat though…..
If only i can slap those idiots through the screen!
I legitimately wanted death for some of them.
0:50 damn that was close
Hit or miss ?
The end guy seems like He is obbsessed with SAYING dick
1:17 they scared the horse what did they expect. People are so stupid
2:31 This is quite normal on the streets of Saigon. It is expected you literally rub elbows whether walking across the street or driving motorbikes.
1:10 Oof
2:10 Svensk video (Swedish video)
1:15 the one with the horse and motorbike. it was the motorbike’s fault. he didn’t slow down and spooked the horse as a result. you don’t have to spend time with horses to know that they don’t like getting hit by moving traffic.
Lady Luck is looking out for these people
Ultra Instinct be like 00:28
3:23 ?
"what a silly DICK" 3:26