Ayam betutu is a must eat Indonesian food in Bali!
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One of the tastiest Indonesian Balinese dishes you have to eat when you’re in Bali, is ayam betutu. It’s a dish of chicken that’s caked in spices, and then traditionally, braised and then smoked. The result is a flavor overload of spices and tender chicken.
For this video I went to eat at a legendary Balinese food restaurant called Warung Nasi Ayam Ibu Oki. There are a number of locations around Bali, but I went to the branch at Nusa Dua which was close to where I was staying at that time.
The staff were all very friendly, and I headed into the kitchen to see all the assembly action – all the food being dished onto plates. At lunch time, Warung Nasi Ayam Ibu Oki can get pretty packed, both with takeaway order and people eating there.
I ordered two different dishes, the nasi ayam betutu, and nasi ayam complete, rice with chicken and all sorts of different side dishes. Both plates of food were superb. I would highly recommend it, for excellent Balinese food when you’re in Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia.
Total price – 85,000 IDR ($6.28) – for 3 plates of food, water, and 1 coconut water
Thank you for watching this Indonesian food video!
MUSIC: Roastin Style – https://goo.gl/HwVjdo
***CAMERA GEAR*** I used to make this video (these are affiliate links):
Main camera: http://amzn.to/2sV0XQO
Main lens: http://amzn.to/2szLZNf
2nd lens: http://amzn.to/2wXXT8h
Microphone: http://amzn.to/2rBKD3z
Gorillapod: http://amzn.to/2rBFkkI
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Looks very delicious ?
I think I'll move there, when I retire.
Started to like Indonesian Food as well…. ?✌ Though dat background girl just caught my attention ⚠️? trying to get a siding pose ???
Sweet Spicy Roasted Corn – Bali, Indonesia ?? (Sony A7 III)
3:39 minta digoyang
Hello my friend mark? i am recomended you come to padang indonesia,in here you gonna meet some delicious food,its like randang and dendeng balado,you never eat before? I very recomended for your next vlog food.thank you?
Mark you are legend
Eat with your fingers is good right? ? we love it, the taste is just magically more good and it's more easy to shove the food in mouth LoL
Thanks for coming to Indonesia Mark,i hope you came again to Indonesia to try many different food from many different Island?
1:14 apa aku yg salah denger ya? Kedengerannya seperti "perut tai kucing ya?". Ada yg perhatiin?
Wow delicious indonesian food
Love indonesian food ?
Ayam betutu maknyusssssse
Would prefer you to use utensils to eat instead of fingers!
Ayam betutu is cooked for a loooooong time packaged in banana leaves and stuffed with spices and cassava leaves. Traditionally it was cooked with hot rocks in the ground. These days usually steamed.
the fork is right there and he eats with his hands, it's not appetizing to look at js
any warungs near hilton nusa dua?? as we are goin in october.
Appreciate the use of gloves when dishing out the food.
I once read on the comments, you know the food is good when Mark leans to the right. Once you see it, you can't not notice it!
Hi mark when are u come to medan city ?
Hey Mark! It’d be pretty cool if you came to South America, specially to Colombia, I’d love to watch that ❤️
You had my mouth watering. Going to bali soon. Will try the dish for sure.
Thats how good and cheap balinese food are, even the resto located in touristy area.
when you go to Indonesia again, you must try nasi pecel, bakso
Those chicks behind you are edible too mark, we call them kimcil
Mark the legend of kuliner reportase…ur the Man..
Damn I thought you're Ander Herrera ?
Nasi ayamnya ibu oki memang ennaaaakkkkk ?
"It's arousal of the mouth".
Watching this hungrily while nodding my head, saying "yes! Yes!"
Mark, is that your wife? You've got Indonesian wife?
Eres el mejor ??en este trabajo
I'm more hungry to see 3 chickens behind the mark wiens… hahahah but this place is near from my house mr.mark… you have to tray the more origonal chiken vilage in kuta "betutu ayam kampung dollar" it's more yummy and original….
is that woman in the back singing? hahaha lmao those indonesian chicks