US ROAD RAGE & US CAR CRASH COMPILATION – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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Best collection from around the world. On this channel you will find a selection on different themes: car accident,fails, incredible luck, instant karma, and many other collections. All pleasant viewing! Fresh compilations every day!.
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Ultimate Close Call Compilation 2016
Kevin Chung
Road Debris
Bad Drivers of Missouri
Bad Drivers of Baton Rouge
Colin Boyer
Matt G.
The Roads Here Suck
Missouri Dashcam
Brett K
Eric S
John Teng
Dan Lawrence
Bad Drivers of Central Arkansas
Road Rage in Hawaii Nei
Woman flips out over modified Subaru 2016
Close Call and Extreme Road Rage in Temecula
Road Rage Against Motorcyclist! Dude Gets Froggy & Jumps Out!
Josh Letten
Videos featured in the following compilation are intended for CRITISISM, EDUCATIONAL and JOURNALISTIC purposes.
7:45 millenial douche
Like when people.say don't touch me get the camera out my fucking face
1:42 I would have hit that bitch with the door if that had been me
You the second video is Hawaii. Right down the street from the navy exchange. I bet that bitch is an Officer's Wife thinking she can do whatever she want XD.
If a car is trying to get over into your lane with a blinker on (in utah at least) you HAVE to let them in by law… I'm not sure but I think most other states are the same
What would chick in the first do that with a kid in her car
7:52 want to hit him with a juggernaut
Geez pms that much?
4:22 mrs vorhees has fallen on hard times!
Whhooooooa…. someone's child needs to be taken far, far away from their 'mother'!!!
7:54 old man so mad he almost got in the back seat ??
In the clips at 0:29 and 3:28, I think those are extreme cases of PMS…
The odyssey driver was totally right he cut her off and could have killed her how she handled it was scary af if your the kid in the passenger seat
dude in the last clip is a fucking dickbag
i don't know about the person in the truck in the first clip but i want to slap the blond bitch
The blond woman should be ashamed of her self i don't care what had happen to act the way she did infront of a kid is crazy she is with out a dout one of the worst moms in the world shame on you
Пиндосы нихрена не умеют машины разбивать, то ли дело наши…
Proud to not be american. so fucking proud.
At 5:05 it took me 2 seconds to realize that this happened in Las Vegas smh
I want to slide my tube stick in that old hags mouth fatty
3:15 "he is still slowing down, we never increase nor decrease" well, you should have decreased. instead of knowingly blocking him from making the exit. people make mistakes, give the guy a break. not like you're going to miss the exit because of it. learn courteous driving. like you've never missed almost missed an exit and had to try to get across a lane in your life.
I hope the 2nd lady in the minivan gets her kids taken away by social services
5:05 is Las Vegas 95 South bound ;D
4:15,,, somebody puts up with that at home .
7:45 easy there, McLovin
0:40 I live near this place
video at 5:01 was in Canada not the USA
in the second video, the man is a spineless slug
That lady with the van… my mom beats bitches like you up, be careful lol. Some bitch did that to my mom and caught a tire iron to her face. That was 1998 or so though.
my point is, there's ALWAYS someone tougher than you. watch yourself!
it should be legal to hit women that
В Америке охуенно и видно по авариям что больше адекватных людей…. не так убиваются в хлам как наши. Да и красиво везде
реально понимаешь какие это нежные некчемные сыкливые создания
У америкосов дур и истеричек с купленными справками, за рулём хватает! А уж ротозейных, пруд, пруди!
Пожелания,это перевод на русском в таких видео! Было бы очень здорово. Понятно что ФАК это все наши маты) Поверхностно понимаешь,но не на столько)Спасибо!
stupid gringos
Oooo hell no fuck you!! What a bitch
Russians make much more interesting videos of such type than Americans 🙂
These Road Rage videos are the perfect example why I personally have in my car and on me at all times .
2 handguns, shotgun, rifle, 3 knives, baseball bat, pepper spray, taser, 2 batons, a Billy club, d3 slapper, and a roll of quarters.
Anyone ever starts road rage with me and dares to come up to me like that white cunt of a mother in the 1st road rage vid is in for a rude awakening. By no means I am a tough guy, and I am not a fighter, I will probably get my ass kicked, but with all the gear I have, your fucked.
Нация ДЕБИЛЬНЫХ матрасников!!! Задорнов 10000000000000000% ПРАВ!!!
Go fat boy!
What exactly was that second woman complaining about?
9517412950 I bet he has to change his bisness HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAHHH
Poor kid