OPEN DOORS DAY! (Dooring) – ROAD RAGE COMPILATION – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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Ultimate Close Call Compilation 2016
Videos featured in the following compilation are intended for CRITISISM, EDUCATIONAL and JOURNALISTIC purposes.
Hope too many doors werent injured
Who's wrong? The person opening the door or the bikers?
?? stupid cyclists.
It's no use. It traffic, always assume the others are fucktards and protect yourself.
This is one of the scariest things about cycling.
I love this video
Worthless pedal bikers
If you're dumb enough to open the door without looking, you deserve to get your door ripped off.
its simple, Mirror check + shoulder check before opening doors, it takes like 3 seconds…..
Imagine riding your bicycle on the bicycle lane and an idiot who's parked right next to the fucking lane or right in the middle of it opening his door without looking for upcoming traffic first.
These morons should get their drivers license revoked.
If you're on a bike then always ride wide of cars.
I love it when the cyclist hits a car door really really hard. It reminds them to improve their attitude and stop being cheeky. Also, they should pay to use the road, not be a parasite leaching greedily off others and then bitching about everything. Ban them completely; scrap their annoying little bikes and make the buggers walk.
Quand je fait du vélo sa c'est ma HANTISE !!! Combien de fois j'ai faillit finir a l'hosto à cause de connard qui ne pense jamais à regarder dans leurs putains de rétro avant d'ouvrir une portière !
If you pieces of garbage would follow traffic laws this wouldn't happen to you. Purge all cyclist!
I hope all the cyclists in this video got hurt badly.
fap fap fap
As someone who despises cyclists, this video brought me a comedic sense of joy that there are people with little self control willing or ability to check their mirrors that just open their doors. I’ll let idiots and morons have the illegal fun.
3:43 to be continued lmao
I can understand opening your door if you are parked but why in the middle of the road?
3:13 perfect moron. Driving a SUV in a city, parking on the bike lane and then being too stupid to use their mirrors
Car drivers: stupid cyclists driving in the middle of the road!!
Also car drivers: stupid cyclists driving on the side of the road not keeping distance!
Also car drivers: why the hell am I stuck in traffic why do all those people need to be here in their cars
4:34 when you stub a toe
Roads are for cars, people who drive cars are the ones who pay for the roads, for the actual roads those cyclists are using, well its the case in my country. The cyclists are guests on the road, they don't own the place, but they act like they do. I have a bike and I use it, but unlike the people I see in this video I watch where I'm going and keep away from parked cars because people can and will open doors without telling you that they will.
1:15 This man did not deserve that!
I remember one day a lady open the door on me i fall in front of moving car in another lane and he immideatly applied brake then i called police she get away with fine of 400 dollars
Anyone know the song playing on the radio at 1:55
Почему я должен смотреть направо?Налево ещё согласен,я обязан посмотреть.
Look both ways before opening a door?
It's a pretty simple concept, " Look before you open your door ". Amazing how many people are too stupid to think of this.
this is fucking hard to watch
Why fuck your car up because of these assholes? Do it right and hit them with a shovel as hard as you can. If you fuck up the shovel, you did an exceptional job!
People should look to be sure it is clear to open the car door!!!
Bicycles are for kids. Gay outfits!
these videos end to soon I want to see what happens after
This is another reason why we ha be mirrors
That’s why I always fucking look when opening a car door. Some ducking people
На бэхе сам себя поручил красиво
Yisus. I guess people mostly is stupid regardless of its place of birth
3:45 There's no way that car will be able to stop in time…