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Have a great day ?
This is why I don't go out side lol
The first one happens to my dad a few years ago but he got tangled later and hit the ground he’s ok now but he has like I think 14 surgery’s on his foot the only thing that attached his legs and his foot was some torn tissue
Nope nope nope nope nope that's just great especially for me since I'm scared of heights
Here is my saying in life: there is no question there is only do
Near death is when your mom almost checks your search history
Get of the parachute
Dude.perfect is your favorite you tuber and he whereing a hat of Dude Perfect
is it just me or dose that mountain look like mount chillyad from gta
I love your vids
I'm fat to I'm 11 and way 117
10:53 when you see your dick
@ 9:10 he bailed because he knew he was going to go otb (over the bars)
I use my go pro to skateboard and ski
The way the arms bend ahhh
Beasty lit ??????
4:54 how running in totally accurate battlegrounds looks like
9:13 Bike: YEET
This is why I don’t do any of this stuff
My dad was a special ops in the Air Force and he went skydiving from approximately 8,000 ft. This was his 32 jumps out of the 83 jumps he did so far in his life. So he jumps like always gets to the recommended gift to release the parichute and only half of it comes out he tries to get the second one to work but it was son tangled and he was falling to fast to be able to fix it he was almost positive he was gonna die. He blacked out, according to his captain or leader whatever you want to call it he fell to the ground hit on his side while going 40 ish mph. He woke up a few hours later having a couple broken ribs sprained almost every big muscle/ bones in his body. To this day he still has neck rib and spine issues but still somehow is very active. If he landed any other possible way he would be dead I wouldn’t be here it would be a horrible life without my best buddy aka father
8:06 motorstorm?
Mount chiliad
It’s the same parachute clip
cautiously takes bites of pizza rolls
Gta 5
You are not fat don’t say things like that about yourself
When my mom is watching me do this
I would do that squirrel suit thing if there were a big ass foam pit for me to land on
Please react to Jeffy skip school
i don't know if anybody else knew this but on the snow one the guy had a huge cut on his back!don't fuck with whatever those are!
Do you watch good mystical morning
My grandpa was a paratrooper in world war II and he said if u ever go parachuteing and your chute gets tangled to be calm asf and try to not freak out as your untangling it
First of all outside is one word second wtf you mean brother?! Snow slide?!??!!!!
They should make metal clothing
Damn. It's a good thing that that dude stuck under the snowmobile, wasn't by himself.
1:05 kind of sounds like Mario's grandpa from sml.
7:13 avalanche
You talk to much unsubscribed maybe shut your trap beasty
7:28 that actually looks really fun ?
If you sub to me I’m subbing back
at 9:12 he jumped over the bars because his front wheel was going down and its a softer impact to jump off the bike
Beastly reacts your an amazing legend keep up the good work!
when i was about 5 i almost died because my brother tried to suficait me with a pillow
Would you wimgsuit for a lifetime fortune and live like a king????
Just so you know I had two people in my family that I didn't really know and they both suffocated in sand at 10 and 12 years old twins too