Instant Karma Fails – Instant Justice & Road Rage Karma #42 – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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Featured Playlists car theme !!!
Ultimate Driving Fails Compilation (Car Crashes & Road Rage) – https://goo.gl/SjS8bs
CRAZY ROAD RAGE || ROAD FIGHT – https://goo.gl/Q3RvpW
INSTANT KARMA, INSTANT JUSTICE (Compilation) – https://goo.gl/b9LjvX
Incredible luck // CLOSE CALLS (Compilation) – https://goo.gl/sSQpKh
Ultimate Driving Fails Compilation – https://goo.gl/XawRNA
Random acts of kindness || Humanity restored! – https://goo.gl/DyG3wW
USA ROAD RAGE & CAR CRASHES – https://goo.gl/NnJE3K
Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.”
ugh San Francisco is a cesspool
1:17 its unmarked cop car
Crime just does not pay. One gets caught sooner or later and the price is sometimes very steep. The ole saying is true about that along with, "If you can't do the time, you shouldn't do the crime."
4.35 plz send me music and song link
Great videos!!
I've seen the clip in other videos, but the guy that head-butts the wall after revving his bike is just too damn funny. Trying to act like he has mad skills and failing so miserably well
8:00 Why are there so many Ford Focuses?
3:24 actually he can sue the driver for that..
1:45 i bet that van driver saw the cop and that's why he stopped 😀 otherwise he would have passed it too 😀
8:33 look at his stupid bitch face
10:03 can I get a body check too~? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
That last police officer though. MMMMMMMM
individual exciting by addition noise primary moment carrier rail.
5:12: Cyka blyat I kick your car. Oh you stop ok now I kick YOU!
the one with the grinder an bike is hilarious
2:30. Staged accident. Great thing this driver had a dash cam!!
Min 5:00 fuck yeah!!
"I'm a police officer"
"Ok fine only if someone will watch me"
Thumbnail at 10:02 (that delightfully handsome officer is the only reason I clicked on the video tbh)
What the fuck is the idiot at 2:20 thinking
Police drive some gay cars in other countries
No shocker with 2:15. Yellow cars are driven by douches 99.9% of the time.
@9:55 – that cop is GORGEOUS!!! *rowl – he can frisk me ANY day of the week! dayum
@7:35 = the gibberish they're chattering in may as well be Chinese for all I can understand it *lol — talk about a thick british accent! yikes!
Oh hell no, you roll up in a UC at one of our car meets and you'll get boxed in by 600+ horsepower while everyone else dips.
4:30 best 🙂
Dumbass biker ?
I call bullshit…at 4:30 the Mexican guy complaining about someone breaking the law. We all know that there's NO laws in Mexico.
San Francisco is such a shithole.
Why do people get so butthurt when you overtake them. Sheesh, grow up.
Well with cops like 09:56 I'm absolutely OK with "Fuck the Police". Hot Guy. :-p
Whats the name of the music starting at around 1:51?
pretty stupid how most of these are just people getting pulled over for minor traffic violations.
Most of these people just need to slow down
Bike thieves deserve the death penalty.
why these idiots think that there is no police can catch them and do that stuff and get into trouble for no reason