Best Breakfast in Saigon! → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAQiWYfeVCM
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About This Episode:
Learn more about ONETRIP Tours → https://www.christinas.vn/onetrip/
COST OF MEAL: 300,000 – 400,000 VND (15-20 USD)
ADDRESS: 212B Alley, Nguyen Trai, District 1
1. Scallops grilled with green onion – Sò điệp nướng mỡ hành
2. Sweet snails roasted with chilly salt – Ốc hương rang muối ớt
3. Sea snails sautéed with tamarind sauce Ốc mỡ xào me
4. Clams steamed in Thai style – Nghêu hấp thái
5. Sea snails sautéed with coconut milk – Ốc len xào dừa
6. Oysters grilled with cheese – Hào nướng phô mai
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If you see any factual food errors in my video, please feel free to politely let me know in the comments.
I’m a huge fan of trying different, interesting and strange foods in each country. My show is from a Western point of view, but more importantly MY point of view, but is not meant to offend any person or culture.
lmaoooo meal food, that's genius
That guide for food is so hungry or pato. That guide is eating food continuosly not give description of dish plz dont appoint the guide that is so foodie.
These are really delicious !
He sounds more like Thailand
By the cool video
Sonny Side eats the hard part..
its ok..
Just came here and i couldn't stop watching your videos
He suck his dick it's obvious
Love his spunky attitude lol. They already washed it ok ?
I envy you…. I dint know about this when I was there but there is always next time
I am addicted to this show
Your guide was a cocky lil due right??!!??
shit! he's drunk lol
Wtf u ate ?
Good food guy this episode
They make a cute couple
Vietnamese people are hilarious.
''I loooove it!!''
do someone know who this asian is? does he have youtube or something?
Come to india maharashtra i will show some best recipies here they are really delicious
One of the genuine guide people need. Its not about needing a perfect ascent american speaking guide at all. I prefer someone like him than some guide that can talk perfect english but is like barely smiling and talking like they memorize a script.
This guy doesn’t look over18 tho it’s weird as