UK ROAD RAGE & CAR CRASHES, UK Bad drivers compilation 2016 #3 – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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Ultimate Close Call Compilation 2016
Paul L
Cyclist David
Joe Corfield (Corf)
Clackstars Dash Cam
JW Dashcam
Sue Perbs
Karl Newsome
Road and Sky
Richard J
Videos featured in the following compilation are intended for CRITISISM, EDUCATIONAL and JOURNALISTIC purposes.
4:00 Was she laughing?
Ram them bikers!!!
At 3.51 the cyclist should know better than to go at speed on the inside of a bus, in this situation extreme caution is advised for pedestrians crossing in front of the bus and she should have looked around the corner of the bus to make sure nothing was coming up on the inside.
UK all fucking idiot
BMW drivers get the award for biggest shitheads.
2:14 the guy with the cam is not really smarter than the 2 assholes in front of him : when you see 2 crazy guys starting a war on the road, you don't follow them that close
blame it on brexit, everything is…………….
Great tune!!
4:14…. just desserts
Whats the music track at 2:00 some backing track?
gotta love how the guys are in such a rush and then have the time to slow down traffic and interfere @2:15
4:15 fuck him….keep on driving..!!
That Wanker driving the BMW @ 2:00 needs the biggest kick in the bollox he will ever receive in life……want a complete cunt..!!
05.36 Ah dah dah dah dah dah you fu*%&*ing idiot….very grown up.
There certainly are some bloody awful drivers in the UK these days.
That last clip was an uber driver… they’re a pissing menace looking at their satnav and phones everywhere they go.
It's about time the police/DVLA viewed films like the bmw stopping the car over taking and break checking etc and banned them
you have proof on film what else is needed
5.36 what a fail! Can see the number plate is N4LSN :')
4:05 no matter what car id be in i would still pit manouvre a twat that does the same as that van!. haha amazing clip.
Very first one is the Fiesta's fault because it crossed the Give Way line when the minibus clearly had right of way.
It’s great shouting abuse at other drivers, what isn’t so much fun is when the other driver is a psycho who knocks the shit out of u. Swallow your pride, not your teeth.
so glad I don't drive a car, being a pedestrian is bad enough with so many bad drivers on the roads, cars still go through a red on a pedestrian crossing nearly knocking us over!!!!!!
4:56 that’s near lords cricket ground!!???
Cyclist bellends ?
Shows what can happen at 1.23 when you misuse a mini roundabout.
01:07 … Does he think he's a copper or what? Knob jockey! The Micra was wholly wrong, but you can't go around acting like the cyclist did without getting a slap eventually; or arrested for IPO…!?
1:03 Patronising cyclist. Does he think he's some road safety super hero?
These vids should be sent to the police.
Waste of time talking to the cunts, they always have a story and explanation why they're right and your wrong.
stupid black bitch 0'clock!
From my point of view as a british i think that most car drivers are rubjish at driving. They dont know jow to drive nor how to respect drivers especially pedestrians like me
1:20 you think your the police or something you cyclists twat?
Road ragers are sad people.
Word of advice. If you get off the bike….take the key. Ive seen cases where bikers have been provoked into stopping…..they stop to have words but leave their bike running only for the bike to be stolen….. have a very good reason to get off the bike otherwise dont go all public police force on every other road user you disagree with…….
Seems people when wronged dont have any middle ground……its going from calm and relaxed to wanting to kill somebody in.the blink of an eye…….thats anger issues right there and youve already lost if youve lost control of yourself.
yaaaay civilisation
The motorcyclists are cunts wtf
1:09 i hope you told the police about him
My number plate is CNT 1