World Animal Awareness Society & WA2S Films http://www.WA2S.org
Hope For Dogs: http://www.hopefordogs.org
My DoDo: http://www.mydodo.org
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Like The Dodo, Hope For Paws & Howl of a Dog? You’ll love Howl & Hope For Dodo Dogs rescue videos from the World Animal Awareness Society & WA2S Films.
Help the World Animal Awareness Society save hundreds of at risk dogs working with dozens of Houston area dog rescues. The work never stops, and we need you. Donate and help us help rescuers save more lives following Hurricane Harvey! https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=UNRURQKYWS9NN
WA2S returned to Houston after being gone just one week. We had been in town for two weeks surveying stray dogs and filming with our rescue group partners.
Our planned departure date turned out to be just one day prior to Harvey descending upon and flooding Houston. In the aftermath, we knew we needed to return to support our friends and take stock of what post-Harvey human/animal interactions looked like.
Issues at the forefront are what happened to families with pets, pets that were left behind, and the countless stray dogs left to fend for themselves during and after Mother Nature’s fury. As a lesson learned from Hurricane Katrina in 2005, there were shelters in the city that allowed people to bring their pets. I believe the awareness that families didn’t have to leave pets behind existed; people were empowered to save their animals and themselves.
Some pets sadly, did get left behind for one reason or another, but rescuers were saving dogs and other animals as soon as they were able to reach them. Rescue needs were communicated via social media, websites, emails and a cell phone walkie-talkie app called Zello
In order to prepare for the influx of dogs that would likely come in after the storm, Austin Pets Alive! transported dogs from Houston’s shelters, to Austin. These were dogs that did not have owners, and were looking for their forever homes. Though this helped, temporary triage centers and shelters had to be coordinated very quickly.
Austin Pets Alive! set up a temporary facility at Katy Mills. It contained housing and veterinary services for animals brought in once rescued.
Best Friends Animal Society set up shop at the Montgomery County Fairgrounds accepting, housing and vetting any and all dogs and cats that needed help.
The Houston SPCA was receiving dogs, cats, horses and livestock in Beaumont at the Ford Park Entertainment Center. This location came under scrutiny when it was rumored that pit bulls went in but didn’t come out alive. It was all over social media to take this breed of dog to Montgomery County or they would be killed.
It has not been confirmed whether this was a truth. Interestingly, a few days later, the Houston SPCA shut down operations in Beaumont and relocated the animals to their facility in Houston. Their communications person has not returned our calls as of this publication.
We learned that Austin Pets Alive! , Houston Pets Alive!, Best Friends Animal Society will be joining forces and consolidating operations at NRG Arena. We met up with them while they were setting up temporary “MASH” type facility in an old grocery store until NRG Arena was ready.
We were fortunate enough to snag a couple of minutes of time from Ellen Jefferson, Executive Director of Austin Pets Alive! And she shared with us their mission: Save animal’s lives, reunite them
with their families, and find them a home if they don’t have one, in that order. Everything they do is for the animals.
They will continue to take in animals “as long as they keep coming.” Dr. Jefferson sees that the people of Houston really care about the lives of their animals and is working toward reaching no-kill status in Houston, as it is in Austin.
The sheer numbers of volunteers it takes to keep all of these shelters running is staggering. The volunteers are local as well as from all across the United States and are working long hard hours – all for the sake of the animals.
Subscribe for more videos from the WA2S Films official YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/WA2sorg
WA2S Films is: Deanna Vollano & Tom McPhee
WA2S Films productions are filmed on Sony, Panasonic, and DJI camera systems
c. 2017 All Rights Reserved
Hiring WA2S Films for Your Next Shoot Supports The Work Of The World Animal Awareness Society & WA2S Films
818.561.5109 Los Angeles
Music courtesy Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Narration courtesy of Vocal artist Mark Rider: http://ridervo.com
The words The Dodo are trademarked by their rightful owner: TheDodo.com, Inc. which is owned by Group Nine Media GNM: Serial Number: 86975013
World Animal Awareness Society & WA2S Films have no affiliation with GMN or The Dodo whatsoever.
Spca kills animals they Hippocrates
We had Florence!! I would never, never, never going to a shelter with my dog!! I have seen it over and over what they do! We go to a pet friendly hotel and stay
Das ist sehr traurig
The whole situation with Houston SPCA was a total disaster. I live in Venezuela, an american and strong animal advocate, and was so involved in trying reconnect owners to their pets. I had many sleepless nights. There were times that if I could have reached through my computer to grab a throat I would've done it in a heartbeat. I never did find out what happened to many of the pets nor to Julie, the woman in charge of Houston SPCA. She should have been fired on the spot for this situation, and many others in the past.
SPCA = Rights for all animals ( **unless they are an American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Bully or any other breed that could be mislabled as a "pitbull" type dog such as cane corso, american bulldog, Dogo Argentino, Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog**) ohhh… And you better hope your boxer/lab mix or Vizsla mix (as random examples) are not labled a "pitbull" type dog if they pick it up … You will have get DNA proof that its not….
Ok,that was the long answer lol… The short one is SPCA= discrimination …. I see no difference between "breedism" and racism …. Its all discrimination and it is disgusting.
The proud owner of 3 American Bullies (3
My dog is from Hurricane Harvey stray
I know there was pets from the hurricane brought to Zanesville Ohio and were adopted out
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My cousins in Houston found some of the donations they did not want dumped in the trash.
Please don't kill the animals for space !!!! There are people who love them and want to help
but why their owners leave them behind???
This video is a Golden Doody Finalist! Vote for your favorite rescue by watching, sharing and commenting. Watch the 24 finalist videos representing the 10 rescue nominees playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsNp-X3Ezxk&list=PLYERe63qNi0xLEMIwlmczSGkPz4NNsGZW
Help the World Animal Awareness Society save thousands of at risk dogs working with dozens of dog rescues around the world. The work never stops, and we need you. Donate and help us help rescuers save more lives! https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=X39TAU4NPNGVN
SPCAs are ALL NO good!! Not only have I had bad experiences, lots of an lots of people have. They usually do NOT help with anything!! They take your $$$$, but when you need help……they could care less!! I will NEVER donate to them again an haven't for years. ANY organization that puts animals down for population control is NOT a good org!
Ford park was the biggest waste of money for beamount EVER , has done NOTHING but lost money, and now this crap?
We were out of town when it started, drove 16 hours to go 100 miles through 4 feet of water at times, because I don't trust any gubment agencies
Can't even watch this, like we didn't have enough to deal with, thank God for people like this
They were turning people away with huge monster trucks too, I'll be damned if they are gonna separate my dog from us, they are family too…
Wait they got killed ???
No city ever learns from past experiences and bureaucracy makes it so hard to have a comprehensive plan mainly because you have to deal with all the weird personalities involved. New Orleans wasn't ready for Katrina even though they knew there was a possibility they would take a direct hit and now Houston doesn't seem like they got it together too. Sad, sad, sad! When will people learn to make plans, practice them, and be in a much better position where they don't have to kill the dogs.
So what they're saying is "let's just kill our children" cuz doggies are our children too
Could not continue to watch; if the SPCA cannot do any better than why do they even continue to exist? The animals are not any better off with them around obviously; I do not understand. It is not that hard to keep up with which animal belongs to who and return them afterwards. The "space" they are taking up is temporary; this is laziness on the part of the SPCA, especially in light of how many organizations to help animals converged after this hurricane, and the SPCA needs to do some serious soul-searching.
PETA Kills Animals!!!
SPAY, NEUTER & MICROCHIP ALL YOUR PETS!!! PLEASE DON'T ADD TO THEIR PROBLEMS!If you can't afford to do this, you can't afford to own a pet!Thank You
Exactly why I gave my donation to San Antonio shelter. Something just did not sit right with me when checking out the Houston SPCA website to see where I wanted to donate money after Hurricane Harvey.
How about the stories now coming to light that the SPCA are willfully obstructing people getting their dog's back? The right hand does not know what the left is doing! Dog's are not being logged into their data base,phone calls from desperate owners are being bounced from one department to another with staff wilfully being obstructive and antagonistic…….
If this is true. They need to be revealed for what they do. I understand putting down a sick animal, but healthy ones that might have owners looking for them is unforgiveable.
Amazon doesn't personally donate these things. People purchase and send donations through Amazon but that's probably what you meant.
If it was on social media, it MUST be true.
Ummm aren't you supposed to SAVE animals not KILL them? I haven't seen anything worse than this.. KILLING ANIMALS FOR "SPACE"! Wow.. and i thought animals were the second IMPORTANT family member.. guess for SPCA it's not that important, is it?? what a shame..?? honestly, i got offended when they had to kill animals for "SPACE" cause i love animals..????????
People are trying to prevent cruelty against animals yet they are putting animals to death??? My opinion but that's just beyond cruel on a whole new level.
what the f***, NO animals should be shipped to other states and definitely not killed.
I agree with the lady who loves animals. Yes, please save the pets.
Houston sucks…