Please make a donation to help rescue street animals in India : https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=PNL4S4YPCYTJY
Three puppies were submerged in rock solid tar where they had been stuck, unable to move even an inch for many hours. They were terrified and being unable to move, could only cry out in fear.
It took many hours over several days for our team to soften the tar by massaging oil and giving many baths, but these three puppies had incredibly strong spirits.
Please donate to save street animals in the most desperate need : http://www.animalaidunlimited.org/how-to-help/donate
they arent puppies they are warriors
You found the mother too OMG true care!
Que triste ??
Imagine if that happened to you
I like to join with you
Good work I appreciate you
Dios los bendiga a ustedes señores veterinarias Ojalá puedan a ayudar a más animalitos
Thank you Thank you people so much for caring and helping them & treating them with dignity & respect. I honor you from the depths of my heart, soul & being. You are the stuff real heroes are made of.
Ooo por dios me hiso sacar todas mis lágrimas ?????
Vean los a ununcios de esa forma ayudamos
Wonderful giving lifeis beatiful… Wonderful people wonderl puppies…hope they have fun forever
Quien. Hiso. ESO????????
Ustedes son lo maximo dios esta en su corazon . Tienen unas manos bendecida por diod
15k dislikes!!?!.!?
These people have no heart
Hablo español como le puede pasar eso a esos pobres cachorros . Gracias por darle un poco de su tiempo a los animalitos dios los bendiga???
Like para slvar a los animales
god bless u all cnt stp crying u guys doing bst job?
How they managed to stay so fixed in the tar for more than a hour… It was really painful… U all are really great u helped them
Hijos de su puta madre entierren a los pendejos q abandonaron estos perritos
That tar was definitely not rock -solid…but go off
Animal aid wonderful people savetis puppys.???????
Many thanks to all of you ?❤
The end was so cute when they play together
What great people
May God bless you all.
Omg ! Salute you guys nice work☺?
Thumbnail itself broke my heart
Thank you for helping puppies ???
???? Thank you for helping them!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Much much love from Kolkata.. I really love your work.. At the begging I was literally crying.. It's so much heart breaking.. May god bless your team.. You are the God of such poor animals.. Many many good wishes to your team
maga ling ka yo mag tulong sa hayop ??????
End.. ?????
Thanks, for healing
Thank you for giving them life.
Somany thank s to save u
I am crying
God bless u
Amazing ?