Ultimate Retarded Driving Skills 2017,? Stupid Drivers Fails & Road Rage #552 – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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Featured Playlists car theme !!!
Ultimate Driving Fails Compilation (Car Crashes & Road Rage) – https://goo.gl/SjS8bs
CRAZY ROAD RAGE || ROAD FIGHT – https://goo.gl/Q3RvpW
INSTANT KARMA, INSTANT JUSTICE (Compilation) – https://goo.gl/b9LjvX
Incredible luck // CLOSE CALLS (Compilation) – https://goo.gl/sSQpKh
Ultimate Driving Fails Compilation – https://goo.gl/XawRNA
Random acts of kindness || Humanity restored! – https://goo.gl/DyG3wW
USA ROAD RAGE & CAR CRASHES – https://goo.gl/NnJE3K
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Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
Приятного просмотра, будьте аккуратней на дороге!
Self driving cars tested in Russia, 50% of cars accident diminish after a year.
Check out 1:24 look at the sky sheeple. Aliens are real!
9:12 Real nice of the person in the bottom of the frame to just keep strolling along. Don't bother to check if everyone's OK or anything.
0:37 who was driving that car ? Jason Statham ?
It's the innocent people run into by a moron that I feel sorry for!
And another 100% of RDA of sukha and beliat! 🙂
Damn, I wish I could ice skate to work…
10:32 always bitch..
you know what must be super profitable?? Russian auto body shops…
extrem verblödetes Volk!
9:57 How big chance is:hit two cars in row?:)
8:07 Anyone can lose control with that music…
0:41 That moment when you realize that the thumbnail photo wasn't a montage. O_O
@ 4:00 who actually LISTENS to that song???
? lol
ahi Ziguli'
4:00 решил потанцевать)))
9:11 up in the korner how dit he survive ???
just a quistion is this copyright or send the owner the video?
4:00 так под музычку весело.. и хочется проорать ДА ОТПУСТИ ТЫ ЭТОТ НЕСЧАСТНЫЙ ТОРМОЗ
The car at 9:06 was hacked by the CIA.
07:19 only in Russia ?
Вот орут все на новичков, жалуются, ноют, а посмотришь такие подборки и вроде опытные водители ЭЛЕМЕНТАРНЫЕ БЛЯТЬ правила не соблюдают!!! Дауны
музыку убери!
That song lit af 4:02
9:05 Dude takes a broadside and stands back up (though probably just from the adrenaline/ shock). If he would have been even a second earlier to his destination, or if the driver hadn't made the corrections he did, that guy probably would have ended up dead right there. Hopefully he's alright.
If I had seen that creep and its dummy ( 10:36 ) going down the road, I would have run over both of them twice to be sure they were removed from Planet Earth.
3:12 dude definitely sped up on purpose when he saw the other car starting to merge. not cool
like because this video is not a clip bite
10:20 подскажите трек пожалуйста
10:20 подскажите трек пожалуйста
I'm going to drive really really fast and play bumper cars. Oh yeah that's a lot of fun. Not
song@ 8:03 ?
I like the guy with the skates !
10:25 did that once. Felt dumb after that.
педики распоясались
Я так на коньках покатался по дороге, потом задолбался коньки затачивать.
why after even minor bump/collations do the stay in the lane rather than move over to let traffic continue
Один в один с каналом Дорожные войны
5:27 надо было ловить тётку и вызывать ДПС, а потом на неё в суд за то что спровоцировала ДТП. Оба владельца отсудили у неё хорошую сумму!
3:47 Можно Типа отмазаться , что 2 -я машина нанесла большой ущерб, а ты так чуть поцарапал