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I met up with my friend Bramuel who took us to his farm and house (in the process of being built) in Machakos, Kenya. It was about a 2 hour drive to get there, but along the way we first stopped in Machakos town to eat, and then continued on to the farm. At the farm, we were treated to a fresh chicken and rabbit from the farm, and they cooked both dry and wet fry – classic Kenyan meat preparation. Also, the sukuma wiki was excellent.
Machakos, Kenya – TTOT Hotel – So first, along the way in this village food tour of Kenya, we stopped in Machakos. The mix of green maize and peas and delicious, along with beef stew. The beef stew was especially good with a sprinkle of lemon juice and pili pili (chili).
Total price – 3,000 KES ($29.61) for all
We arrived to Bramuel’s house in the countryside, way off the beaten path. And they immediately got started on our meal. They butched the chicken and rabbit, and we saw the entire process from start to finish of the meal. Along with dry fried chicken and rabbit wet fry, we also had a big pot of sukuma wiki, one of the best and most commonly eaten vegetables in Kenyan food, and ugali (ugali is made from maize meal, and is one of the most commonly eaten starches in Kenya). Everything was delicious, and I especially enjoyed the kachumbari, which was like Kenyan guacamole, to eat with all the meat.
Thank you to everyone who cooked and helped in this video, and thank you to Braumuel for inviting us over to his home.
Thank you for watching!
MUSIC: https://goo.gl/HwVjdo
***CAMERA GEAR*** I used to make this video (these are affiliate links):
Main camera: http://amzn.to/2sV0XQO
Main lens: http://amzn.to/2szLZNf
2nd lens: http://amzn.to/2EjBeEg
Microphone: http://amzn.to/2rBKD3z
Drone: http://amzn.to/2CrtAHz
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From Italy seeing that makes me feel jeolus coz I would love to b the one enjoying that meal…. I just love my country kenya u just awesome Mark.. Thanx God bless you
انا مكندبش والله ……..كنخاف ……والله ……..انتما ………عائلتي ونا مكنكدبش عليكم …..ماشي من راجلي لالالا …..الحال أصلا انا طلقت منو راسي برأسي ……وهو مكبغيش بعد….. …كديرليا فيها صحة ……ونا ديمة بعدة……..حيت أنهيت العلاقة……..
Can't wait to see you coming to Vanuatu ..
Similar to indian food love to see u the way u eat u respect the food too good.
Good Stuff I bet you can see the stars good out there
Mark your doing a great foifie?????job im enjoying everymomment you have enlightened me!???
Thank you so much
That eoman who cook the chicken is beautiful.. ?
Am glad I accidently saw one of your YouTube video's. As an african living in Europe seeing this brings back good memories, thanks Mark.
why do not hesitate tasting different foods?I am afraid to go to new place because of the fear of new food that I might not like, hahah
Do they all speak English?
Cngrts brother for 4mill. Subs. Love from India??
when you have an open mind, a kind heart and a hungry stomach, then you're Mark Wiens…
Awww.I.love it.
Sukuma wiki is called kales in English
Ugali does not have salt unless ni ya wakamba wanapenda colors mob pia wanaweza weka salt kwa ugali
In my village we used to chase the chicken before slaughtering it.
I really love your Africa series?
I would like to travel with you man….
bro im from south sudan and i swear to god i think almost EVERY AFRICAN COUNTRY eats acida thats what its called in south sudan and uganda u called it ugali its soo tasty
아가가 정말정말 귀여운데요. 아가 먹는 모습과 노는 모습도 보여 주세요!! 아가 먹는 영상, 아빠 먹는 영상 ^^
아프리카 음식 기행이 가장 흥미롭고 신선하고 재밌습니다. 살아 있는 자연, 낯선 먹거리 그러나 가까이 다가가고 싶고 경험 해 보고 싶은 그들의 음식 문화… 멋지군요. 항상 아프리카 대륙을 여행하고 싶었는데 간적접으로 할 수 있어 기쁘네요!
Everytime i watch your video i've to head towards the kitchen ?
People at Kenya are respectful and kind so they are good people.
Wow look this one delicious
My people are expecting you in Nigeria love from Toronto Canada
The baby said Babbitt Babbitt!!
thanks for not being racist
mr.mark.i am really so proud of you.you have a big and wonderful heart.may God bless you
Bro you are amazing men
Yammi,looks so goooood ?
Great job Mark!!! Africans are an amazing people !!! ❤️️
They are cooking like Indian dishes
Why don't u publish a great cook book on all beutifull food and places.I would buy it.