![NEAR DEATH CAPTURED...!!! [Wk 43] | Ultimate Near Death Video Compilation 2018 | Fail Department](https://www.theviralist.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/NEAR-DEATH-CAPTURED...-Wk-43-Ultimate-Near-Death-Video-818x490.jpg)
EVERY WEEK the newest and latest NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES and CLOSE CALLS captured by Gopro and Camera. We’ll show you what can go wrong in life when you live your life to the extreme or just living it. All of the people in the videos survived. Enjoy our videos and don’t forget to drop a LIKE.
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Watch also our other NEAR DEATH videos
Best of Near Death Captured 2018 [Vol. 1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koEvcfgtr-Q
Best of Near Death Captured 2018 [Vol. 2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfTWatpWAm0
Week 34 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDeINcmjyNs
Week 35 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9J2MNEBcmM
Week 36 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqN3ENTwSzY
Week 37 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXVzWidPwfY
Week 38 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nARqmTi1f4o
Week 39 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OGtiN_QXAU
Week 40 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zpgSxgDVHk
Week 41 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CY5mK2pjnBU
Week 42 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9V4Lb9jT-Y
Do you have a NEAR DEATH VIDEO to share?! Do not hesitate to submit your videos at FailDepartmentVideos@gmail.com.
If you have any questions feel free to contact us at FailDepartment@gmail.com.
At Least 3 Pair Of Underwear Were Destroyed In The Making Of This……Including Mine !!
1k like
Anyone else want to tell "stop stupid!" At the juggler?
3:58 dead 100%
3:52 It's like Wiley Coyote ….. aaaaaand "poof!"
parachute for sale failed to open small stain
Sorry to tell you; but, choosing to walk over a big whole isn't a near death experience. Usually it's when accidents happen – not something you chose to do.
With the bear clip is sounds like the guy recording starts peeing so the bear will smell it lol
3:50 That's not flying it's falling with style
Gets shot in the helmet, immediately takes it off to look at it?!?!!?? I’ve seen this movie before…
seen every single one of these videos over two years ago atleast xD
The bear was like : wanna have sprite cranberry?
Hope you know the guy at 4:06 actually died. Check the background of yours videos first
That one Helmet shot – The Bulled could've bounced off the Helmet and hit something or somebody… They were all very lucky
4:43 cute bear ^_^
The man that plummeted to the ground, hundreds of feet off a tower he Did survive but multiple broken ribs and also his legs. The snow was so fluffed up (not compacted) it did Cushin his fall enough.
bears are like giant dogs i love themm!
The bear was like.
„Oh boy! Humans! Im gonna climb that tree to say hi”
– oh hi guys!
– well thats awkward..
Why is constant repeating content, gets boring fast. Put more effort in it if your looking for a paycheck.
When the pilot is looking for a "straightaway" you know you're in trouble.
Good videos but you repeat them. For that reason I’m not subbing. It’s not just one video either, it’s multiple.
4:00 that person did die
4:00 guy for sure needed a bigger chute 🙂
3:42 the guy auctually does look it up
You sure fit that bill… the Fail Dept. when stealing clips from others just to make what you think is yours, but it'snot. No gold star for you.
3:14 The Reaper watching like "That's CUTE?"
3:58 Is he dead? Nice jump!
“Well right now we’re looking for a place to land”
“Think we’ll be just fine”
proceeds to crash
This video was weak
God bears are so cool
4:04 I honestly doubt he survived that despite the title of this
Same fucking clips you have seen before
The guy at 2:40 is just a moron.