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You can tell that this young man was this dog's world it was probably the worst 7 months of that little doggies life
Awwww 🙂
Why people give thumbs down?
That dog was NOT happy
It was cowardly and scared!!!!! Kinda makes you wish he got adopted out ??
I'm not crying, you are
Something is cutting onions in my room
The dog didn't seem happy at all. My dog gets more excited when I come back from walking to the corner store.
ummmm…When my dog sees me get home he yelps and jumps and goes crazy, this dog wasn't happy to see her owner, she seems scared!
Dora is precious. Her reaction was so touching.
These would be better without the long intro ♥️
Someone please tell me what type of dog this is
That do look very sorry about loosing his family his body language is him feeling that he did something bad
Dog so sweet.
Dogs are so sweet.
Give them respect.
Remember the Golden Rule. Whoever has the most gold makes the rules.
Golden Retrievers have the most gold, therefore they make the rules.
She says, "daddy it was awful. Hold me."
Can anyone name the song?
Im crying
See call me negative nancy but but all this could have been avoided if they’d showed just tad more concern in the 1st place and not left the dog out the back.
Everyone knows the fireworks come out for Halloween . Everyone knows the majority of dogs don’t react well with them. My dog doesn’t flinch at the bangs but I still wouldn’t have him outside when fireworks are going of incase someone accidentally or worse, on purpose hit him with one.
Plus I worry that maybe one for whatever reason could cause a reaction to make him frightened. So I close the blinds, keep the tv turned up and keep him distracted when there are volleys of fireworks .
Common sense could have saved these people and their dog a lot of anxiety and fear ??♂️?
On a separate note, micro chipping key. Anyone who doesn’t get their pet chipped is nuts
Microchip?? Sounds like smething
ugh i cried becuz of the background music….
I didn't think the dog looked scared at all, he looked very sad (probably thought the owners didnt care to look for him, or was unsure that that was actually his owner), and was also very overwhelmed by the reunion. Yes, the man lacks emotion, probably because he was being recorded, or just wasn't THAT attached to the dog, but I definitely felt strongly when I saw the dog approach him and then sit with the his head out for pets.
On the other hand, maybe the dog wasn'y happy at all living with him and was very sad to be found and going back with him again
Wht theme of song friend?
Holy crap I am from Frisco Texas
This video is AWFUL!!! Anyone who thinks this is sweet cannot read dog body language. This dog is CLEARLY afraid of this man!!! This is NOT a happy reunion!!! I hate seeing how many likes this has.
people are so ridiculously mean and hateful. you could clearly see this dog loves his human. and the love his human showed him. beautiful reunion and I'm so happy he was found
Какая собачка красавица. Счастья собачке и ее хозяину,и долгих лет жизни вместе. ? ? ❤???
What do you mean your ALMOST cried? I’m bawling right now
Fuckin song
WhiCh song is this ??
Wrong caption! This is rubbish.
Uh… sorry, that's not the way a happy dog greets an owner it wants to see. If I've been away for a week, when I return home my dog is spinning in circles with a wagging tail when I see him. I only hope this dog has a better life than in the shelter (which probably was perfect, but was loving).
The dog actually looks scared of the owner
I cry
It's so touching..!
Clickbait title, terrible music. Way to ruin what could of been a good video.
i still cried watching it….
the dog has its ears back, and repeatedly licks her mouth, and her tail is between her legs. this dog is not happy, she is scared.
Dora the explorer got lost
Omg my feelings hurt with a best way
Video good…music? Nah
Nobody gives a fuck.
The dog may well have been abused but not necessarily by the owner. A lot can happen in 7 months and who knows where she's been or who has handled her during that time.
Am I the only one who cried well watching
Last year, I talked to a woman whose dog(golden retriever) was missing for 3 years, I began helping her by sharing her dog pictures, looking for him everywhere, and one day I found him, he was walking in a town park, with no hope in his eyes, first i tought he was the one in a hundred retrievers that people are searching for, but then i took him to the vet, who scanned his microchip, he was the dog we were searching for, I immidately called her, and I really can't explain with words how happy she was, she was crying, I cried.. Her dog was born on March 12., same day as my birthday, he was a golden retriever like my Archie, and I think that wasn't and it will never be a coincidence. Never lose hope.