Ultimate Retarded Drivers Fails, Crazy Driving Fails and Road Rage 2017 July #627 – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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Ultimate Driving Fails Compilation (Car Crashes & Road Rage) – https://goo.gl/SjS8bs
CRAZY ROAD RAGE || ROAD FIGHT – https://goo.gl/Q3RvpW
INSTANT KARMA, INSTANT JUSTICE (Compilation) – https://goo.gl/b9LjvX
Incredible luck // CLOSE CALLS (Compilation) – https://goo.gl/sSQpKh
Ultimate Driving Fails Compilation – https://goo.gl/XawRNA
Random acts of kindness || Humanity restored! – https://goo.gl/DyG3wW
USA ROAD RAGE & CAR CRASHES – https://goo.gl/NnJE3K
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9:38 mission failed
I’m only 15 and I’ve never driven before and I bet I could drive way better than most of these idiots. What the hell. Come on you people, you have a fucking brake for a reason… USE IT!!!!!
At 1:25 I was like “what the hell… what the fuck could have done that?!?! Was that intentional?!?!?!”
00:48 Over-correction sucks.
1:33 was this a scene from a movie? holy crap what were they driving?
2:41 into this video and my back is already hurting.
russians = morons
lmao the last one
what a moron at 9:43 That tow vehicle is clearly not designed to pull that much weight and the load shifted backwards. I bet they shit their pants. lol
At 7:50, this guy got shot 40~45 times because he fired at the police!
2 videos at malaysia
Auto insurance in Russia must be hella expensive!
is it me or are they to stupid to lock their doors while driving… its one sure way to avoid being punched.
Watch out! Lately you're repeating several videos. 😉
Russians have no idea on how to merge or even on how to drive in general.
was that last clip an attempted kidnapping?
Sorry that they're in different countries I didn't know they're on and other countries do you
Go learn how to drive again
You'll see the cars right in front of you so I don't know why you don't stop
People don't know how to drive in America but I'm from Italy
I hope atleast half of these people are in prison
0:30 holy shit.
It's funny to see a guy with a purse and wearing "pedal-pushers" trying to be a tough guy.
7:52 you skipped out on the best part where the guy gets out with a gun, thinking he's Robocop, and gets shot down like a dog.
Big Gap, Small Gap, No Gap, these always some prick willing to give it a go!
Omg do these roads not have set speed limits??
The guy at 10:32 was actually being stabbed and robbed for money.
The guy at 7:42 was shot and killed for walking up on the cops with a gun.
Тойота гея – название отражает суть их водил. Поголовно пидары
Wish they woulda shown the rest of 7:45…..tubby negro criminal hops out with a gun and they dump 45 rounds into him
Smart Drive @9:45– he saw it coming and slowed down.
Last one, that person had a chance to exact some revenge by flooring it in to that white car and running one of them down.
wtf happened with that bus at 6:58
welp. he ded
1 question though. Why do they all drive 70km/h +(and in the case of 3:55, 90 in a blind bend, on a small 2 way road)? Do they not anticipate these fucks driving around? I always make sure to slow down (and stop) if I don't trust it.
Fucking Jews…
Clip at 1:16– RIP headphone users…
2nd and 3rd clip. That was brutal. R.I.P
many people retardard peace
You got some pretty impressive clips here. The one after the intro (bike accident) was definitely one of them.
Good editing, good video, well done.
Keep it up bro! ?
i swear…. some of these Europeans countries and maybe the exception of Russia, don't realize how good they have it in their parts of the region. Come here live in Toronto, Canada and drive to work, shopping, etc, you will realize how good open wide roads you guys have compared to us and you still drive like maniacs.
Some of these were just brutal.