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Best Driving Fails of the Week: Bad Drivers #869 (October 2018 | CCTube – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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The best collection of car video caught on Dash Cam from around the world. On this channel you will find a large selection of videos on various topics of car: idiot drivers, road rage, driving fails, close calls, instant karma, and many other collections. All pleasant viewing! Recent compilations every day!.
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Featured Playlists car theme !!!
Ultimate Driving Fails Compilation – https://goo.gl/SjS8bs
CRAZY ROAD RAGE – https://goo.gl/Q3RvpW
Incredible luck // CLOSE CALLS – https://goo.gl/sSQpKh
Driving Fails Compilation – https://goo.gl/XawRNA
Random acts of kindness || Humanity restored! – https://goo.gl/DyG3wW
USA ROAD RAGE – https://goo.gl/NnJE3K
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#cctube #car #roadrage #drive
9:53 – Thank you for taking the time to put a huge circle in the middle of the shot. I would never have noticed that massive concrete transporter otherwise!
This is great channel to realize that there is difference between races…
Im driving…
10:47 batmobile 2k18
In China do they use brakes sometimes or not?
Вопрос к автору! Почему название ролика отличается от оригинала?
Looks like the bus company is reaaaally strict about staying on schedule…
What happened at 5:32?
0:34 23/09/2083 ???? Time traveling!!
Wyjątkowo ostry odcinek…
4:23 WOW! Who goes out chopping huge arsed trees so that they land in the middle of a street?! I like how apparently somebody yelled "look out" (or something like that) AS the tree was falling. Gee, maybe you should have checked the street before that final chop. The dude on the bicycle almost had a really bad day!
Nice video 😀
And some people still think "evolution" is a thing.
Has this channel been taken over by a new owner? The quality of the video editing is abysmal.
Перрдолит курррва
at 8:44 that's one dedicated bus driver that keeps his schedule no matter what:)
? Like ? & ? Nice ? ? ?.? Like ? & ? Nice ? ? ?.? Like ? & ? Nice ? ? ?.? Like ? & ? Nice ? ? ?.? Like ? & ? Nice ? ? ?.? Like ? & ? Nice ? ? ?.? Like ? & ? Nice ? ? ?.? Like ? & ? Nice ? ? ?.? Like ? & ? Nice ? ? ?.? Like ? & ? Nice ? ? ?.
5:33 Translation?
1:04" Today's Darwin Award goes to…
I’m still confused on why these drivers, especially the ones that didn’t involve in the accident, took their time to transfer and upload the video somewhere. And then this channel compiles them and upload it to YouTube. I still enjoy them though!
01:33 ?
third worlders dont have driving tests ?
Wherever these videos are tape have absolutely lunatic drivers. Smh
The last segment, what in the world?
0:36. Beautiful street. Where is it?
9:32 Most Avoidable Crash of 2018
бля дебилов……???!!! откуда у них деньги на тачки?????????????
At least the dogs use the cross walk
I love the ending song, name please… <3
8:38 also this is why public transportation is better than cars.. traffic proof.. great machines buses..
5:34 if anyone speaks
Ancient EgyptianPolish please do let me know wtf that says.. he prolly fell asleep or had a heart attack.. or… was trying to reach the penny under the seat..What does it say at 5:33 ?
8:38 The busdriver had a bad day because he got no good salary. xD
6:19 A travelling salesman is driving through the country one day after some big thunderstorms came through. He comes up on a big puddle across the road. He asks a farmer standing by the fence, "Can I make it through there?" The farmer says, "Sure!" The salesman takes off into the puddle and his car immediately sinks. He gets out and wades back to where the farmer is standing and says, "I thought you said I could make it through there!" The farmer says, "That's funny! It only came up waist high on my ducks!"?
1:00 2 cars crashed ? No, 3 cars !
3:27 I know people are going to slam me for this, but it was pointless for the cammer to get bent out of shape. It was actually just a minor inconvenience. And look where he wound up. Right next to the vehicle he honked at. "Yeah, but he delayed me several seconds!" And we just can't have THAT, can we?
I'm turdin right now
11:11 make a wish
1:33 Wild!?
semoga kita di beri keselamatan tuhan..dalam berkendara aminn..???
First comment pls like I love y’all it’s so fun to watch