Inspectors and ambulance drivers rescue pets, farm animals and wildlife in Scotland
I’d like to ask all you guys for a little help.
Please vote for the Bill Foundation to win $250,000. This money can help them save the lives of strays and abandoned animals who are living and dying on the streets. Please vote for them. It will only take a minute. Thanks!
Here is the youtube channel of Eldad and Hope for Paws, if you don’t know him, watch his videos NOW! If you like watching animals being saved, you’ll cry watching his videos. Especially the video of Fiona.
The Bill Foundation helps Hope for Paws take in rescues.
Here is the voting page.
I can't understand a lot with the accent, but saving animals is a common language I do understand.❤ ??????❤
These shows are addictive ?♀️?♀️?♀️
I have no trouble understanding what they are saying.
If everyone report the animal abuse then many of them will be saved
So cute how they caught the seal in the bag. Also, I'm mainly here to listen to the amazing Scottish accents. One of my favorite accents!
Hi. If your an animal person, and want to help a volunteer vet who sails in central America performing free vet services for people in remote places, consider a donation or patreon pledge to this lady . She needs help to carry on. @yXiI even a dollar will help (per video)
i wish we here in america could remove animals from a home this easily, in the days and sometimes weeks it takes our system to seize an animal it will have suffered more than than it should ever have to, if its even alive by that point.
Scotland is so beautiful! It's #1 on my bucket list of beautiful places to visit before I leave this amazing planet we live on! I'm part Scottish so I'd love to trace my family tree to where on my father's side of the family are from. I don't think I'd ever want to leave tho!
i love animal cops
i an german
i wonder why they speak like they have something in thei mouths ?
very nice can I join you.
Have never seen Scottish SPCA, only the American one. Good program!
The narrator sounds like Jorah Mormont from GOT 😀 😀 😀
Thank you from Calgary Alberta Canada!
Great job done by all!
wow, you can't leave your house unlocked? Is there really a law about that?
Thank you Lova, for the shout out for Hope for Paws!
The CC print out is next to useless. I can not understand the english they use un the UK and need the CC. I will pass on this video.
its already hard enough to understand and then they all talk at the same time.
One of yous came to my school cleland primary ?
I might have this job when I'm older ?
I live in scotland
animal 8 legs
I turned on the closed captions to try and understand what the SPCA folks are saying.
It didn't help.
The cc cannot translate Scottish English either!
for example:
"only that there and then we're going to do that that's sweet don't put it too quick that's antibiotic will put in first ok then the rest doesn't taste i just to let you know we're drinking out of your head you and this will "
I feel really sorry for animals that have to live like limit his