Animal Mothers Protecting Their Babies from danger – Mom protects baby animals
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When watching this I just hear in my head, Bitch I hope the fuck you do!
The last to kittens were too precious !!!!!
The most dangerous animal: any one that’s a mom
Of course they protected them it's the strongest instict in the world
All good mothers do it
Humans ones too (good ones i precise again)
(I'm scared in this video some people are standing way too close they could get injured 0-0)
Baby elephants are the most adorable thing
Que fofuraaaaaa
Why is that crows attack ducks and snakes attack animals and dogs attack birds
Moms are the best c:
i wish my mom love me like this:'(((
0:51 dudes just casually sitting there watching that shit lol
Está claro que algunos humanos tienen mucho aprender
When the lion was hauling ass away from the pissed off Buffalo, I can imagine it thinking "FUCK FUCK FUCK RUN FASTER FUCK"
Protect,not throw in a dumpster!
2:58 I don’t think these guys know just how much danger they’re in
dads have left the chat
Hate the music
Swans are jerks..
This video made me realize, I LOVE YOU MOM, Thanks for feeding me and putting up with my shit ???
Lol carnivores
1:02 what is the name
Of that animal? Looks like a type of dog
Ducks be like
“Don’t make me go sicko mode on you”
1:00 there is no way thats the full clip… that many hyenas got something to eat from that heard, that day…
A mother will always protect her children…
The first time I've EVER SEEN a buffalo run directly towards a lion. Believe it or not, THAT is literally what saved them from being attacked. The lion didn't see that coming.
I love my mother so much ???????
Meanwhile, animal lovers think human mothers throw their babies in the trashcan on a daily basis.
Geese are pretty bad but all that ‘break your leg with their wing’ is nonsense. The only reason humans lose fights with animals is empathy. Animals don’t have it so stow it for the duration of the fight and you will win easily. They can’t protect their babies when they’re dead and they know it. Stop teaching swans that humans are scared of them.
The dogs just wants to play
Poor dogs ?
Those mama cats with their kittens is so fucking adorable
Those cats at the end are so CUUUUUUUTE ???♥️♥️♥️???
0.50 yeah u aint shit without yo squad huh.
When I was on a school trip a mother goose chased my class back on the bus
If only western mothers were like this. The majority of them prefer the pipe over their own children.
0:06 where TF are the babies
Elephant parents, DO NOT mess with there baby, brutal.
Whats up with the trash music
people acting all 'amazed' that a mother would protect their young. LOL. years of schooling and this is what we produce.
You can tell the elephants are stressed by the safari carts. The reserves know which herds have babies. They should avoid them.
The lion was like I’m joking stop stop lmao
Hell hath no fury like a mother bear who’s protecting her cub.