Strange Foods of Asia! → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lrZgWyWBIw
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About This Episode:
If you’re looking for a guide in the Mekong Delta, hit up Tho directly on his Facebook page. He is a full-time guide: https://www.facebook.com/cuutho.nguyen?fref=nf
This video was shot about five months before this publish date. That’s why I’m fatter here.
I hesitated to put it out, because of sound and light exposure issues. I knew there was an interesting story here, so I’ve put it out anyways.
This was an awesome and epic journey. We went deep into the Mekong Delta. This is as country as you get in Vietnam. Our guide was awesome. He showed us around and answered all our questions.
To be honest, this wasn’t a difficult food for me. Rat is just another furry mammal and I knew they came from a clean source and obviously a pro was cooking them up.
If you’re reading this, thanks yo! Love you.
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If you see any factual food errors in my video, please feel free to politely let me know in the comments.
I’m a huge fan of trying different, interesting and strange foods in each country. My show is from a Western point of view, but more importantly MY point of view, but is not meant to offend any person or culture.
No fuking way I will eat rat meat. Maybe snake but rat nooooooo.
you’re nasty?
I don't feel good…. ?
That guy looks like and talks like Manny Pacquiao .
Fuck cheeeeee
i dont know y but he look likes logan paul
thank you for that video its make me not hungry if i hungry again ill just Watch this video
Modern people in the west are too afraid of food, they forget almost all their
diseases come from other humans. Many people are filthier than a rat.
The entire animal kingdom must really dislike you, some of us are fighting for animal rights and here you are finding it a shame that in the west we only murder and eat chickens, cows and pigs. Maybe it's time they added humans to the menu, if they haven't already.
The only thing I eat is pussy
Rats are actually really nice, please don't judge us Vietnamese or say that it's gross until you try it
Uhow about dogs and cats??
well, how do you know it's village rats and not city rats? you've been duped
RIP those Rats⚰️
I love you ??
I should not be eating KFC while watching this?
Another great star died…
rip stuart little
Nasty nasty
Thats A Big Claim Haha
The new shrimp fuck lol
looks good.
Asian people is crazy
ive eaten rats in vietnam before. it's quite delicious 😛
They are selling rats & snakes like they are groceries
In india if we see a snake we gather 10 people & all of them try to kill that poisonous bastard
Has anyone read the English UK subtitles?
anyone noticed the sasuke theme in the starting ??
what kind of rat can consume by humans? all kind? I thought they got toxic in their body
That why I like eating at the local Asian buffet.. You never know what it is. All the meat taste like ?
their breath ?
This is why I don't date Asian women. Third World can you get in this.
“Arrogant Rat” ????
Ohh u forgot wine
Why is sonny so damn faiinneee