INSANE KEBABS Handmade With a Sword – Palestinian Food in Nazareth!

INSANE KEBABS Handmade With a Sword - Palestinian Food in Nazareth!
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This is the final video in this series, thank you for watching. You can watch the entire series here:

We met up with my friend David ( and drove over to Nazareth to eat at, what David considered to be the best Palestinian food restaurant – especially famous for his kebabs.

Diana Restaurant – This is a gem of a restaurant in Nazareth. He makes the kebabs by hand, mixing the meat and spices, and chopping and mixing all the ingredients with a giant sword. The Palestinian food was incredible, the kebabs and I especially enjoyed the lamb fillet and stuffed lamb ribs. It’s not a cheap restaurant though – Total price – 650 ILS ($181.95)

Galilee Mill – In Nazareth, we stopped at Galilee Mill, one of the most incredible spice shops.

Liman, Israel – Finally to end the day we drove over to a small town called Liman to eat at Michael Local Bistro, a restaurant that David considers to be the best in Israel. The food was very high quality and made use of very high quality ingredients. Total price – 700 ILS ($195.95)

Again, big thank you to David, go check out his amazing food adventures:

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Thank you for watching!


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About the Author: Mark Wiens


  1. Who did that chef kill and drive out to build his restaurant in that country side. Extortionate prices not value for money. Mark you should have gone to Palestinian Muslim village instead better food much cheaper I imagine.

  2. Zionist David is not interested except for his commission from the restaurant owners and Mark that's why he spends most of his time looking at his phone and ignoring Mark. David also looks down at his phone out of guilt for stolen Land, stolen ingredients and Stolen recipes.

  3. Mark is a food lover he will eat anything. Top guy love him to bits. Zionist David kept saying Israeli food and Mark kept saying Palestinian food. Extortionate Zionist prices for Palestinian stolen and forged recipes by Zionist restaurants. Zionist are going to charge you an arm and a leg for even the lamb chops. How do you think they got rich?

  4. Stolen Land, Stolen Ingredients and Stolen recipes. No offence to Mark Wein I love him as a nice human being. Remember the name of the stolen Land was, is and will always be Palestine. Best chefs my arse they look like cowboys to me.

  5. The Middle East has the cheapest and best places to eat, I don’t understand why your guide took you to the most expensive, I don’t understand why the bill was so high, these are NYC prices!

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