►Check out my Jakarta Travel Guide (details on hotels I stayed, attractions, and food): https://migrationology.com/travel-guides/jakarta-indonesia/
One of my favorite things about eating street food is not only the food itself and tasting new dishes, but the way you get to interact and relate to those who serve the food, and also those who are also eating.
When I was in Jakarta on morning, walking around the Gandaria area, my wife and I saw a friendly street food stall serving Nasi Gule Solo, and we didn’t have plans, but we decided to stop in to try whatever he was serving. The man serving was very friendly, as were the others enjoying their nasi gule.
Eating Indonesian street food is about the food, but it’s also about the interaction and the ambiance.
Nasi Gule Solo
Somewhere in Gandaria, Jakarta
Total price for bowl or gule and rice – 12,000 IDR ($0.90)
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►50 of the Best Indonesian Dishes: https://migrationology.com/indonesian-food/
? murah tu
Mark, you should come to Surabaya, so many delicious foods to taste. Rujak Cingur, Rawon (black soup), Bebek Sinjay (Madura dish ), Sambal Bu Rudy (the best sambal bawang-garlic chili , very spicy ). ☺️☺️
Yep pernah makan disini sekali hahaha
Hi bro, that's very delicious ?????? I ate that kind of soup in a authentic Indonesian restaurant in way back Singapore ???
Dimana itu lokasinya???
Yang tahu tolong infonya. ??
5:38 Indeed, Indonesian people are nice and friendly, many yummy foods everywhere
The way you make the video, enjoy the food and always show your smily face is always amazed me. Great job !
Ini soto tangkar bukan sih???
jeroan makanan kesukaan aing
Kind of my fav food since high school. The taste is never changes and the hospitality very perfect! Double thumbs up for this food
How are you Mr. Mark Wienes Sambal good job Always
Chewie wee call kikil
gw suka nih ama pedagang yang sama ratain harga gak pandang siapa yang beli… daripada pedagang2 yang getok harga karna liat yang beli bawa mobil ato orang asing
mark! you got me again!! i’m starvibg just by watching you eating a good food
Did u meet Nella Karishma?
Javanese Best Food, if you Visit Indonesia again, for taste this food just came to "SATE KAMBING H. GIYO" The Gulai, The Tongseng, The Satay is very goodness
Standard taste, because Mark head, did'nt tilted LOL haha
Hadeeeeeeech, ngiler
Mr Mark, You can come to live in Solo city, Central Java. Gule Solo is the best than Jakarta.
Termasuk murah gule kambing nasi teh anget dapat krupuk untuk makanan di jakarta murah, semoga rejeki bapak jualan lancar berkah
like it
MARK wiens, kan udah di solo, kalau di lihat2 muka nya mirip gubernur Jawa tengah pk GANJAR punromo hahaha , Mark wiens the best good job
Mark,every time I watch you eat, I become lurking and hungry, this video can be used as a therapeutic ingredient for those who lack appetite, hahahaa
"the uncle extremely FRIENDLY" i like it when u said that
In Javanese culture, the Uncle's hand gesture after puting the plate at 3:36 meaning that he respecting mark as his Boss/King/something like that
gk ada yg nyadar seorang mark win makan di situ.. hehe
Murah banget
It's beef, not goat
yang di deket deket barito ini ya?
Mbah mitro n lex tri masuk yutub hix hix sukses trs mbah