Thrown a few clips of riders both bikes and sidecars at either the TT, Manx GP or Ulster GP.
More Compilations coming soon!
Thanks for the riders whos clips I used:
None of the videos in this edit are mine, if you are the owner and wished to be credited or have the video removed please contact me, thanks.
I Knew Something Was Wrong With This Here Road"POTHOLES" None,I Ask you,What Kinda Road Is This Without"POTHOLES" I Shall Be On To My Local MP In Thee Morning…
not all tt
The Isle of Man racers are the true World Championship.
The last clip is Ireland
GOP get your dam adds off here. There junk
Ban it ,then all the other dick heads on bikes that ruin the British driving experience may feck Orff
Adrenaline junkies that’s all,everyone in TT
First one are the worst
I wanna go, don't make me get my 50cc Honda out ov retirement, I'd show em who's the Guvna ??????????
I wanna go, can I'd ride my 50cc Honda? I'd fuck all up?????
Finally a compilation without absolute dogshit music
Ty cud u send or I will forward your link to hadalson plz n tc when riding xxx
Nothing better than watching idiots kill themselves. They should allow convicts to do this race too because if they die not many will care because they are criminals.
So they ban group b but no this… typical
The whole freaking race is a near death experience.
You put the right music to the video! Nice one
the first guy…what the hell…
when you date her the first time and you want to kiss hrr and she says: "I have a boyfriend"
would be better at night with dim headlights
1:40 mmmm smoke an flames better brake some…. 1:43 ooohhhh shit motor!!!!!! 1:44 ooohhh shit ridier!!!!!!!!! 1:45 well hello pavement let me kiss ya!!!!!!
sidecar at the start sooo funny
You put "near death" but the one that crashed into the wall died because I was watching the Isle of Man tt
Near deaths?? You wankers!!! Death or not death!
Who the hell hits the curb at the bottom of bray hill and just keeps the throttle open like it never happened? Insane!
3.05 to end is Ulster gp not tt
The hell happened in the first one? Was there a dude stuck in his bike while he was riding?
How has the Isle of Man not sank into the deep blue sea with the weight of all those testicles? Muchos restecpa to these crazy guys.
Stanno fori de testa……
the last race was the Ulster gp. in northern Ireland.
Must be hard to ride a bike this quick when your giant balls are dragging on the road…
What is that in 1:29???if you run the video in slow motion you will see in the left of the screen a blue bike…actually you can see the forward part of the bike….
Amazing footage. How can these guys travel at these speeds while holding a camera.
I don't get the last one he was leaning gud