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Lemang is a traditional Malaysian snack made of glutinous rice, coconut milk and salt, and cooked in a hollowed bamboo stick lined with banana leaves.
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It really is delicious! Sweetness from the coconut, saltiness from the beef “meat floss”, and smokiness from the cooking process, which places the bamboo stalks on a slant over a fire.
It takes about 4-5 hours to cook lemang, and this vendor really knew what he was doing!This vendor was one of many found off the highway near Kuala Krai in the northeast of Malaysia.
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Trevor ,
I suggest you should go to Manado in North Sulawesi Indonesia
Their food similar to Sichuan
This nasi Lemang is one of their Culiner
Best regards from Perth Australia
Should've tried that with beef or chicken curry that most stalls sell them with lemang.
hahah bapak sape la tu
Kelantan and terengganu have a lot of wonderful food
The good ol days haha
hey check this out it's trevor james
This is not the real lemang..the way he cooked was not the properly method..you should come back and find the real lemang..usually on Hari Raya festival…don't eat lemang on the street.
I love lemang!
that sticky rise with meat dip looked super good.
very sedap ???
who watch this video while fasting
Let's try to eat indonesia food. food in indonesia is very unique and delicious.
I Also Want To See The World The way u Enjoy it ???? Awsome
Indonesian in sumatera province have a lots of lemang. .. banana lemang. . tapioka lemang. . original lemang… lemang tepung. . that only i know… and i taste banana lemang. . it taste nice
betol trev kena makan dengan rendang baru stim. terangkat orang malaysia kata
u should try indonesian food. we eat this lemang with durian.
Awkward intro
No offense but is your film crew retarded?
You are the most cruel evil man I have ever seen! LOL
cangkem-e crew-ne kyok gak tau mbadog……
When you visiting indonesia ? i just wait you trying indonesian food
I think you should try Bangladeshi food………
Thank you for coming to kuala krai. it's my hometown.
Very sedap
please come again during eid festivals! there would be lots of delicious food??
come to indonesia if u like exotic foods
you two would make a good couple
where are ur new videos ?
Why didn't you plug his establishment to generate more custom for him?
Shall I come with U
the crew looks funny
come to thailand