Indonesian Street Food Tour! → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66BeoTSRl0o
Learn more about ONETRIP Tours → https://www.christinas.vn/onetrip/
Food info:
Food: Snake and Rat dishes
Restaurant: Barameji
Address: Toraget, North Langowan, Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi
Operation Hours: 10AM – 10PM
Price: Rat dish: 25.000Rp | Snake dish:25.000Rp
Food: Sunfuric corn
Location: Bukit Kasih Kanonang
Address: Jl. Kawangkoan-Kanonang, Kanonang Empat, Kec. Kawangkoan Bar., Kabupaten Minahasa, Sulawesi Utara
Operation Hour: 08AM – 06PM
Price: 10.000Rp/unit
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If you see any factual food errors in my video, please feel free to politely let me know in the comments.
I’m a huge fan of trying different, interesting and strange foods in each country. My show is from a Western point of view, but more importantly MY point of view, but is not meant to offend any person or culture.
Thanks so much for watching! Follow me on Instagram for more fun food videos! @InstaSonnySide
Next time you're in Vietnam, hit up Onetrip for an amazing tour: https://www.christinas.vn/onetrip/saigon/
I love Indonesia ??? love from nepal.
My mummy also great cook she not alive?I real miss her…..
Please use cutleries when eating with turmeric Sonny ! It stains
Thank you for making our hometown known and thank you for trying the food in our village
Thank you very much
it is bizarre when you're white.
I just keep having a beak down because I know it’s a rat…like I just keep thinking of disease
Colonization ruin the world ??????????????????????????
Come to my city and u will meet an unique food
Did no one notice that he said that the snake had a femur an arm and leg
Manado extreme foood indonesia
See those food, make me dizzy.
wow, you're so lucky eat those.
Does your mom, watch youtube?
What do you watch? Make up tutorial? ??
Shitty food
U should come to papua
sayur paku tumis lebe enak boy.. ?
minahasa hadir ??
Its my Culture??
Please go to the Philippines and eat the balut egg ?? I tried and still get sick if I think of the smell
So all the flies all over the meat isn’t skeeving anyone else out ?
Sulfur guy tweaking
Dutch should've stayed there lmao…grass and rats
i am indonesian … but after seeing this …man …. damn this is very extreme food.
12:17 see that guy
4:39," Lets just Jump into it"
Some Asian foods are disgusting ???????? and Asia in general eats spicy ? ? food
Iam an Indian from northeast most of us here eat everything which is eatable, it can be snakes, rats, dogs, cats etc.or any kinds of insects… ?But everything here is wild not like those in cities. Most of the foods have medicinal benefits. To let you know, these are not related to poor family backgrounds.
Much respect to you but snake hell no !!!
I like that guy's comfort food.
Proud tobe North Sulawesi
What's the song at the begining?!!!!
I'm Indonesian and people who eat rat and almost everything they find in nature only come from one region of Indonesia called manado in north sulawesi, other region we don't eat that.
To each its on, but I'm never eating a rat
that corn guy really looked like an autist
Today is Sunday..and I'm going to skip my chicken ?????????????
How do eat this type of foods
This tour guide look miserable and sounds like he doesnt wanna be there lamo
Indonesia is a dick head country
Come to Arunachal pradesh
We think are shit stinks man i beat they can clear a large house lol ,but they do awsome with what they have i try probably just about everything i have srrong stomach
Dont use your poop hand lol
snake ???no way l wld eat tht
Use your thongue and your theeth ???