Daily collection of car crashes, accidents, as well as a variety of funny things on the road.
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Channel created collections for car crashes and road accidents captured by car DVR, as well as different collection on the theme of cars, such as instant karma, incredible luck on the road, woman driving rednecks and louts, road rage, roadside assistance, etc.
A new selection of car accidents and the accident comes out every day! All road accidents and accidents in the video as a teaching tool and for educational purposes only. Be careful and attentive on the road. Follow the rules.
Dear viewers, if you own the copyright to any video posted on the channel and you are against the deployment of your movies on the list, and if you want to see your video on the list please write to us:
VK: https://vk.com/club78812535
G +: https://plus.google.com/u/0/117141528068534842716/posts
Ok: http://ok.ru/group/53321223766246
Twitter: https://twitter.com/evgeniyas7
3:58 долбодятел с битой, место Кишинев Молдова, на основании видео было возбуждено уголовное дело наложили штраф 14000 лей (700$)
You were doing good until you had all the old repeat videos
ролики повторяются!
за два последних ???
Последний видос затащил выпуск)
концовка класс!)))
Friggen cat!!!!
друга забыл
За последнее видео Лайк поржал
в конце самый жесткач
Весной неадекваты из спячки понавылазили.
В конце валенок, а так рвался в бой 🙂
В конце мужик лох? оставили на улице …
That last one lol.
Why are so many Russians driving through red lights?