38 Examples of IDIOT DRIVERS and ROAD RAGE 2017 Caught on Camera #648 – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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Why would you punch a biker with a helmet? Stupid and retarded shit.
7:40 That's actually a bit tougher case, neither of them ran red light but the sedan was speeding so most likely they paid out the damages of the SUV
8:20 – Seriously? Can anyone speculate what that black car was thinking?
OMG, if I saw a gang of motorcyclists beating up someone else, I'd roll my window down and scream at them I am calling the cops right now! But this is also a lesson to be kind on the road to prevent road rage, even though we as viewers don't know what led to this road rage incident. One great way to prevent someone else getting road rage is to be flexible with your driving, even if it means speeding up a little bit. And it's a lesson to always keep your door locked in traffic.
8:40 Would not want to live in a country where they have intersections like that. No traffic lights, no stop signs, no road marks. That's a government fail, not a driving fail.
that last one, like wtf lol
Pig ignorant russian fucking peasants
You know the world's gone to shit when we can't even bother to help when it's needed. We care just for ourselves what ever happened to the species you can't survive the world as one.
Anybody ever notice that only almost 5% of the others even try to help everyone else just stands or sits and stare?
What was with the Mazda driver and all those bikers?
At 2:15 they are ganging up on that one dude, bunch of pussies ganging up like that.
why are these videos of European drivers. Dumb ass foreigners WTFFFF
Мотоциклисты пидоры-ссыкуны, выебваются толпой и в шлемах. Уебки биомусор.
Do stop signs not exist in Russia? 90% of these accidents could've been prevented if the drivers stopped their cars before entering the intersections.
3:05 после матюка – "осторожно дети" )))
Russia is a jerk
who else watched the intro aleast 5 times
Classic bikers, pussies never fight one on one, and suckerpunching
8:48 that trailer had a mind of its own.
Wankers on bikes, got a problem sort it one on one. Not like pack animals, shame.
No wonder in Russia they all have rubbish and old cars they always crash. Also the one on the wrong side of the road why would you kick the other guys car its your bloody fault. Russian drivers seem like they drive and hope for the best.
0:11 When you thought you made school…
… and then come the school leaving examinations.
Байкеры по жизни всегда такие шакалы. Всегда радуюсь, когда байкеры подыхают на дорогах
7:20 those fuckers were driving were it isn't allowd
Горилла макаке присунуть успел, пока тот пытался биту достать.
Bikers are like gipsy ppl, if its 1vs1 they stay calm, but if its like 1vs2,3,4,5 and so on they are the "strongest" on the road. At least if they are 2 let other 2 jump in pussy players thinking they are "mafia" when they have motors bought with legal money… jokes
That building doesn't look high enough for indoor skydiving
after 9:33 wtf just happen not to his left but right…?
Who else thought the thumbnail was 100% photoshopped ??
So, the younger, smaller Arab was jerking off the taller Arab?
I think I saw some Harley-Douchebagsons.
4:43 Гарик Сукачев на заднем сиденье ?
1:44 and after the gunshots stopped nearly a dozen dead bikers laid in the streets.
stupid russians
Look at the episode starting at 7:56 in the video. The black cable on the right, looks like stealing of electricity.