Fox go FLOOF

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Yep, that winter coat time of the year again!! and the fox go FLOOF, all fluffed up and poofy! This is his 6th edition winter coat (being 5 1/2 years old)!

Ron is a pet red fox I bought from a licensed exotic animal breeder, in Oklahoma, captive-bred and hand-raised. My state of Arkansas allows pet foxes without any permit needed.
He enjoys a large outdoor habitat and also a small indoor caged spot in my living room. Foxes are said to make ‘bad’ pets, but I would rather say foxes make wonderful pets!… just rather destructive, moody pets, NOT FOR CHILDREN.

Every potential fox owner/companion MUST have an outdoor pen built fox-proof; here’s some examples—

Now the best resource…
It is Sybil’s Message Board. The link is for the Foxes forum…hundreds of posts for you to read up on!


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About the Author: foxalbiazul