How to Speak Chimpanzee | Extraordinary Animals | BBC Earth

How to Speak Chimpanzee | Extraordinary Animals | BBC Earth
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Dr Katja Liebal is at Twycross Zoo in Leicestershire to study the chimps in their enclosure. She believes that the chimps have their own complex system of communication and hopes to compile the world’s first chimpanzee dictionary. Subscribe:

Taken from Extraordinary Animals Series 2

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  1. They look like a group of little old men at the prison yard…it's a shame human beings have overwhelmingly terrorized them, almost gone extinct and house these innocent folks into lifelong cages. SMH ?

  2. Very interesting. One thing i notice is that people subconsciously care more about the non spoken language when creating a perception of someone else

  3. Well no s*it honey ofc they can speak human language! They're the Closest species to our species right now they have the smarts of a human child

  4. It would be interesting to have two separate ape enclosures completely blocked off from one another and see how new gestures come up over time and how they differ from each other, simulation different languages stemming from two environments.

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