I was lucky enough to play with lots of little puppies! It was the best day ever!
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Thank you Tom for letting me play with and film his little puppies, and thank you to Drew for filming a few bits of this for me!
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Website: http://www.cherrywallis.com
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Cherry Wallis
c/o Lizzi Michael
Shepherd’s Building
Charecroft Way
London W14 0EE
Camera: Canon 600D
Microphone: RØDE Videomic Pro
Editing software: Adobe Premiere Pro CS6
All music is royalty free, and used with permission
Email: cherrywallis@gmail.com (Business use only)
This video is not sponsored, and all opinions are my own.
Both you and the puppies are so adorable ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I too, Cherry, want to eat a bunch of puppies because they are insanely delicious!
Awe so cute!!!!! I love Squishy!
From the title of this video, I thought she got some new puppies! Lol!
i recently adopted a puppy he is a golden retriever mix by the name of Marley but we changed it to champ because of the tragic end of Marley and me
?Oh my god I wish I was there so bad???
What do you use to edit? I love your videos they are so cool!?
Get a puppy!!!!
Those puppies love you so much!
OH MY GOD, SO CUTE. help, i need 20.
I have that pineapple top too! I love it x
Lots and lots of puppies in 4K running at 60fps…..oh Cherry you do spoil us xD….
Can I have one
I have a black Labrador called Dave….. He's 9 🙁
Kobrakai is an awesome name :'3
+Cherry Wallis you deserve well more!! When I saw the 1st video of yours I thought you had 1,000,000 or 2,000,000 subscribers! =)
when I saw the thumbnail I was already in love with the video, these puppies are ADORABLE. can I steal one?
Can you post on your gaming channel again please?
If you're considering getting an animal ADOPT from a shelter! There are plenty of homeless animals that deserve a family. Please don't buy from a breeder!
This is absolutely adorable, and I'm just talking about you!??
I have a lab and they're are so cute and ilysm you deserve so much more then you already have because you're so amazing??
Can't believe you've never held a puppy before :O i love my little baby. I have a springer spaniel called rex he's 2 in august. he is my life. So squishy and cute i could eat him too. (No that is not weird becore anyone gets all defensive) He calms me down when i have a panic attack and he knows when i have a seizure he never leaves my side. I love him and i love puppies they make me sooooo happy 😀
This is so unbelievably cute!
so cute! 🙂
In the words of Jerry The King Lawler "Puppies!!" Awww they are so cute. Kobrakai is the most badass name ever, is he gonna take on The Rock in the next G.I. Joe movie? 😉
Labradors are the cutest! I remember when mine was this small ☺️
kobrakai more like kobra kid
Awwwww so cute lol?
Labradors are honestly the best dogs, I've had them all my life. So sweet and energetic, they never grow out of the hyper puppy stage! My lab is 7 and he still acts like a puppy and believes he is still small enough to be a lap dog. Sooooo cute!!
Awwwwwwwww so cute!!!!!!!!
Puppies are fur covered therapy to reduce stress and increase smiles.
When you do get a dog please adopt from a shelter. There are so many dogs both old and young who need a home. Some of the cutest, sweetest dogs I know are rescues who have been given a second chance at life.
Awwwww so so so cute!!!! Love puppies 😀 😀 They bring so much happiness!
Some idiot left a thumbs down on a video with Cherry and a bunch of puppies. What a sad shallow life you must lead.
OMg i need one!!!
I want one
this is the cutest video ever oh god
Those R so cute
They are so cute Ahhhh !! ?❤️
I remember when my parents finally (after 14 years of asking) agreed that we can get a dog, I've always remembered walking in the see her for the first time, she was glorious!! I named her Charm, she is a shih tzu! I remember all the kisses and cuddles she gave me! I love dogs so much! These dogs are cuteness overload! Haha!! Xx
This is the cutest thing ❤️??
This is a video of pure happiness ☺️ thank you Cherry for sharing it with us ?