► Red Lion Fights presents EAGLE (golden eagle) vs MOUNTAIN GOAT aka the rambo goat
Please tell us the winner with a comment!
The Golden Eagle is one of the largest, fastest, nimblest raptors in North America. Lustrous gold feathers gleam on the back of its head and neck; a powerful beak and talons advertise its hunting prowess. The golden eagle weights between 5 – 7 kg (11-15 lb)
On the other side, the mountain goat. The mountain goat is a mid-sized bovid. A fully grown mountain goat reaches a height of 70–80 cm (28–31 in) and measures 107–137 cm (42–54 in). Males weigh 30–60 kg (66–132 lb). The mountain goat usually use speed and stealthy evasion to escape predators and can run at 50 kilometers per hour (31 mph) and can jump 2 m (6.6 ft) vertically into the air or over a distance of 6 m (20 ft).
Mountain Goats have two traits that are exploited by hunters: the first is that they are most active in the morning and evening when they feed; the second is that they tend to look for danger from below, which means that a hunter stalking chamois from above is less likely to be observed and more likely to be successful : perfect for the golden eagle…
Please enjoy this extreme, amazing, tremendous, epic, best and amazing animal fight between these two species !
Music used: Derelict Ship by Per Kiilstofte https://machinimasound.com/music/derelict-ship/
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
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shankar das
Thank God
Eagle got beat the f up.
why do I find this shit funny?
Saalo cover picture par kuch dikhate ho. Hota kuch h .
The eagle had strong bones
Brave goat
That's not a mountain goat. It's known as a chamois or gams.
That goat is call an animal
¡¡ qué pasada !! ¡¡ brutal !!
Dude, first of all it's not a mountain goat, it's a chamois, a rare animal only found southerly regions of Europe, in fact my country North Macedonia has these animals
The eagle has landed.
Eagel stick with fevi quick. ?????
Great friendship of goats one is fighting for life 2nd is running with and showing thate you are not alone
This is the friendship
bloody editor….??????
That goat never left her friend gold medal please
I am your subscriber
But this goat animal full name tell me
This goat animal full name
Please tell me
Please this animal name tell me
это птица послана от бога.
это мой любимый орел беркут,хороший охотник,гордый, смелый, сильный, ловкий,не боится опасности,хорошо адаптируется на крупную добычу,и всегда он уверен в себе,но хороший надежный друг хоzяину.
eagle with a big ego . Sad when they get that hungry and think with their stomachs .
Impressionante como a água não morreu em várias quedas.
This was an immature and Inexperienced golden eagle (you can see white feathers on the tail and under the wings), that used him in falconery to shooting this part of a movie, while an adult and experienced female golden eagle can easily kill a goat and save herself from injuring. Even there are many clips that shows how a golden eagle kills a goat on mountain and even carries to her nest. However it seems he did not injured seriously
Lmao @ 1:46
Gets a lick in for his homie!
Abe aage to bataa kya hua
eagle tool too much risk for a burger
Why did that other goat not help him. What a piece of #!*^
and that's not a goat it's a type of antelope called a shammy
Literally the G.O.A.T. ?
Goat with eggs yes?
Must be a young eagle. Risks everything for a chance at a meal. The prey is no slouch. The mountain goat is smart to run the eagle down the steep mountainside. The eagle could break a wing anytime, but stubbornly hangs on. The eagle is over his head.
A really bad photoshopped thumbnail.
I'm surprised the eagle didn't get something broken in all that tumbling….
Bem feito pra porra da águia ?????????????
Muy bien malos eagles
What a grip ? amazing and powerfull.
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Egle nice fight
Bloody eagle
Good gob goat
Good I’m glad it lost for a change!
Loo for
Goat playing holy
Andele pinche aguila?