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We hope you enjoy this video!! Make sure you LIKE, COMMENT, and SUBSCRIBE!!! Love Yall!!! LETS TRY AND GET THIS TO 1,000 LIKES!!
We’re just young parents from Minnesota, living life to the fullest. We do pranks, challenges, reactions, and skits! We met in 2011, Ash was a Sophomore and Jon a Senior. We were dating other people but remained friends. Jon graduated in Southern MN in 2011 and Ashtyn graduated in 2013 in St.Paul.
Ashtyn moved an hour away after a breakup and we started talking consistently in September 2012 as friends, until we began hanging out in Early December. Going to the casino, Mall of America, out for dinners and movies, we started dating on December 27th 2012. Ashtyn moved back to Jons hometown and got an apartment together. We got pregnant, had a beautiful little girl who was born on December 16th 2013. She is our whole universe. & yes, she was planned.
Being young parents, traveling the world, eventually getting married, buying a house, all the stuff you do in life, we want to bring YOU with us! So please join our journey and be a part of our family by SUBSCRIBING! We love ya’ll!
Shit i laugh at kids and old people they both know what they doing kids are not as dumb as Society makes them out to be.
U kids love I you
“I have no talent so you’re stupid”
You are so sweet
Can you react on mortal combat x fatalities and X-ray
Ill shove a "sword" down your throat
0:49 did anyone see that damn redneck piss on that?
Love your vids
still waiting on a proposal video….
hey Guys, react to the "To be Continued Compilations" They are gold hahaha
I got something for y'all, react to WSHH uncensored cartoons episode 11. lmao.
She hate everything? xd
Everyone make sure to check out the Ashtyn & Jon fan club on Facebook!
4:27 Lady it's called being a professional with skills. They do it cause they have experience in it. They've been trained in it, they know what their doing. -_-
2:55 "it broke it" yep
First Yeahhhhhh