Splashing People! (Asshole behind the wheel…) – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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Ultimate Close Call Compilation 2016
Videos featured in the following compilation are intended for CRITISISM, EDUCATIONAL and JOURNALISTIC purposes.
once a guy did this to my mom and me when there was road flooding. I was in a car but the windows were open xD!
Hey I wanted to get splashed one day when it was pouring rain and I was looking for someone. I was wearing a bright yellow rain suit. No one even tried to splash me. ?
I have to do this now nah jk
0:32 killed me
Thats sick jajajaja
I was gonna do it to this women I saw on the side of the road but then I saw she had a little tiny toddler with her, I’ve never swerved so hard to avoid that puddle?
Not gonna lie, I would LOVE to be splashed by cars. It would be really fun & feel just like a water park. Lol
Hope these assholes get crashed
I would love to see all those fuckers hydroplane and end up upside down in a ditch
If you do this intentionally, you're a dickhead!!! People are mostly going to school/work when this happens and now they have to sit drenched all day because you can't get your kicks elsewhere. Idiots!
Makes good entertainment
would have been so mad if it would have been me, but in the end, its just water 😀
That happened to me at a bus stop I was only 6 and it was my first time in the area and my new house and I had no clothes to change into because it was my first time going to the new house and I was waiting at the bus stop to go to my new house and I got soaked
I got tears in my eyes laughing so hard!
Awfully Hilarious!
This is hilarious as fuck! RIP getting splashed. XD
Jetsiki Madame fucking
Bunch of wankers
I only expect a slow and painful death for that kind of morons
where I am from in Kabylia I walk all the time near water pools in the road and no one actually splashes me, I pass like 11 pools everyday same road, every car slows down or just avoids it or honks at you from far away, I always thought about this and wanted to buy a car because I knew some day I will get splashed but it never happened and yet I bought a car lol and now I always look out for water pool before passing by with my car :)) Kabyle people are nice and proud they care about other people to a stupid level, kind of, that's why they failed in life.
i’m sorry i laughed
If you have to walk some where in the rain, make sure you have a few big rocks and use them
If a driver accidentally hydroplanes into someone and kills them while doing this, it's murder.
Not worth the risk.
Sometimes it's not intentional
I would have been like no wait turn and slash me again plz
1:57 Elderly could be Agressive
Strange to see Russia without snow or ice
Gets splashed by Ford KA
Hope the jackasses get the favor returned with a bloody face when their heads hit the dashboard. Karma with interest.
They like to splash people but, they dont like people splash them
Что тут делают америкосы блять
they go out of there way to be scum
Anyone that does that intentionally should be shot in the face
when it’s raining carry a rock
To all the angry people. You only live once. Better to get splashed and laugh it off instead of getting murdered.
Jeremy from jersey just subscribed
I know these are sad but I can’t help but laugh
Bunch of twats.
When I was 13 who often got bullied in school having to walk to school every day and someone did this to me and I cried. In the school for 6 hours with my filthy wet uniform
I’m the type of person who would be splashing people on purpose Insert Lenny face Here
Its only funny if you do it to teenagers
fun & games till somebody gets shot
All pedestrians deserve this shit
What fuckers who do this for laughter clearly fuckers with mother issues or just heartless tless scumbags
I know I'm going to he'll. I once splashed 3 nuns with a wall of slush. Laughed for a week