Another week, more fails!!! We’ve got a bunch of failed stunts, skate fails, and skiing fails. Plus, a marriage proposal that went south real quick. Let us know which clip made you laugh the hardest in the comments and as always, send us your funny fails to FailArmy.com!!
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Original Links:
Guy Fails to Cross Bridge While Boating https://goo.gl/NCICw4
Guy Does Box Jump and Falls https://goo.gl/rQGV99
Biker Face Plants and Loses Front Wheel https://goo.gl/8czLf6
Woman Drops Potato device https://goo.gl/ycfa0l
Guy Falls Off Snow Raft https://goo.gl/xhKB6n
Guy Falls Hard While Performing Skate Trick https://goo.gl/XAlWHn
Guy Drives Away With Gas Pump Still Attached https://goo.gl/GLdb6q
Girls Walk Across Branch and Fall Off https://goo.gl/RcJ7M2
Skier Flies Down Steep Mountain Then Falls https://goo.gl/lGdm31
Guy Falls Into Pool While Moving a Gas Tank https://goo.gl/iYElVj
Guy Drives in Wrong Direction of Drive Thru https://goo.gl/I4khWO
Skier Face Plants Into the Snow https://goo.gl/1xdsDp
Girl Fails Trying to Backflip into Water https://goo.gl/qzmUFW
Drone Crashes Into Road https://goo.gl/sxWFEp
Girl Shoots Coin From Mouth to Glass https://goo.gl/1rwCcH
Guy Slips on Ice and Drops Packages https://goo.gl/b9n0YW
Man Throws Up After Proposing on Airplane https://goo.gl/wNkzQK
Great Grandson Teaches Great Grandmother How to Scooter https://goo.gl/fimYDv
Man Pushes Friends Golf Pull Cart into Pond https://goo.gl/EXq1kp
Girl Slips in the Kitchen While Dancing https://goo.gl/L3332S
Guys Riding on Airboard Collide https://goo.gl/Fc01fC
Guy Tries Trick On Treadmill and Falls https://goo.gl/PLvvHp
Girl Sitting on Top of Goal Gets Hit https://goo.gl/gdD8TY
Guy Shoots Hockey Puck and Breaks Mirror https://goo.gl/IwDMWI
Car Begins Moving While Being Worked On https://goo.gl/YlCgs5
Guy Fails Trying to Grind with Shoes https://goo.gl/HXNTzN
Kid Gets Nut Shot on Pool Rim https://goo.gl/b1Lp4K
Unicyclist Shows Off Frequent Fails https://goo.gl/IXYzPe
BMX Rider Bails and Gets Hit in Head With Bike https://goo.gl/XlrLO2
Guy Jumps Over Rails and Falls https://goo.gl/WCTQCQ
Guy Screams During Eyebrow Waxing https://goo.gl/GoRUVB
Girl Puts on Dog Shock Collar https://goo.gl/oUNxdV
#FailArmy #FailsoftheWeek
@5:56 wtf is that??
what is that at :38 in?
Do a girls fails
Those tropical beauties on the tree on the beach probably gave Ted Nugent a pedophile boner 😉
At first: "ahhh"
Half a second later: "AGHH"
what beach is that at 1:30. Its fucking beautiful
lorte video
2020 anyone?
Song at 4:49
yep… @ 1:58…. legit…
It's only going to zap for 10 seconds! lol
5:22 What is that? A dinosaur hatching?
He he he he he he ha ha ha he he he
0:39 Elmo laugh
Why is the girl topless
4:06 song ??
4:58 the most girlish jump I ever seen and a stupid one too.
At 1:11, what place is that? That ocean view looks hella nice. Vacation?
6:00 what was that?
ha ha
5:11 he lost everything
that lady didn't look very happy that she was proposed to lmao
bitches fall in the sea
Can't blve nobody has asked what happens to the guy proposing on the plane?
5 Clips later, still going:OOOOOOOHH NOOOOOOO….THAT DID NOT JUST HAPPEN…WHAAAT?!!! OOOOOOOOOWWWHHHH NUUUUUU……OOOOOOOWWWW….. After the guy slipped while balancing on the edge of the pool…that's just… shudders
2:16 …how in the fuck do these people get licenses? Or even pass the written test to get to the driving part of the exam?
Line finish bullet facility match theater.
1:29 is that mogli from jungle book
3:20 most romantic proposal ever
Thanks so much failarmy, I havent laughed like this in a while. Last video killed me!
Alternative Physics
There should be a try not to laugh
3:48 is that fucking spongebob?
5:10 Oh sh*t that sound, hat to hurt a lot!! That boy has lost the option to have kids…
everyone who got hurt in this video is a liberal pussy
For me this video had an ad for a fencing company!
So is 1:22 CP or what
0:35 Car's got balls
1:30 paradise?
the first one should be in bad friends
Good to know humans are putting themselves in those shock collars.
2:58 that Girl 7u7