Pit Bull Who Was Scared Of Men Falls In Love With His New Dad | No one wanted to adopt this pit bull because his past had made him fearful and aggressive. But his new dad knew he had to save him — even though Pablo was terrified of men. Today on Pittie Nation, watch how Pablo’s dad slowly gained his trust (by showing Pablo how much he loves his other pittie!) and completely won him over. For more of these adorably squishy pitties, you can check them out on Instagram: https://thedo.do/charlipablo.
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For more of these adorably squishy pitties, you can check them out on Instagram: https://thedo.do/charlipablo.
Love that face
This is one of the most beautiful bully pit families I've ever seen, I am in love!
Wish I had duckie pjs.. this dog is living the absolute dream with his pyjamas ;D
He's so squishy and his eyes are so big and cute!
Animal abusers are the scum of the earth ?
Thjs story made me happy cry. ?
HE IS SO CUTE !!!!!!!!
My dog looks the same as their dog same color fur and the white strip down haed and on belly but my dog is a American bulldog
Paolo is cute af
Kurt Cobain would be proud ?
What a cute dog❤️❤️❤️
I love the dog, but I really love this couple!!! Such good people 🙂
🙂 this makes me feel happy
1:17 "so squishy" Lol! That's always how i feel!
I think that the dog was scared of men was bc the person who kicked him was a man.
This makes me wonder.. I don’t know much about dogs. Is aggressiveness in a pitbulls nature? Or are they trained/bred to be?
The people that hurt animals don’t even deserve to be here they deserve to be in HELL
So glad Pablo found the perfect home. To earn trust after severe abuse is not easy, well done to mom and dad!?
Amazing dog, amazing people!!!
I love and appreciate all of these beautiful human beings who are willing to help out animals who have been through abuse and are the salvation for the animals who are scared but, love and want to be loved !!! Bless these people they have huge hearts ♥️
Awwww that pitbull is soooooo cute
Mine sleeps with me. He'll wait until I'm done reading, and when my light goes off, he'll nose his way under my blankets.
They r the best…???
Pablo met a real man. That's what happened. He only knew losers b4 who took out their shortcomings on a dog. Great work & patience. Cool story.
I melted inside when he said, "this is Daddy's boy now!". So sweet to see that love on full display!
Little bit of love goes a long way 🙂
Wow.great dog
Awh poor baby he looks so happy now tho u guys are the best ?✨❤️?
Pablo's owner looks like coach from L4D2
I had to show my family the binkie part. Too cute! Great job guys! You gave him the chance he deserved
That's how I feel about my puppy dog.
Makes me want a American Bulldog ?
Go Pablo! Great job people! Please don't give up on him x
poor thing. I'd like to meet whoever hurt him. ya know, just to tawk to em for a minute, ya know?
Thank u for your dedication!
A powerful man like you could have beat that dog in to submission easily, but you understood the poor thing was just afraid, and should not be unless he was abused by a man. You took your time, showed him you mean him no harm, only friendship, and look at the devoted sweetheart of a dog you have now! You have it all my friend. A powerful body, a powerful mind, and a great big heart!
Sounds like my dog
People who kick animals or hurt them in general are sooo bad pussys.. i really praying that im gonna meet an animal abuser someday and then hes gonna get abused but 1000× harder
I love this video. Watched it many times ❤❤
What a beautiful little guy…And his personality is almost human like?
He found his forever home and a REAL FAMILY..
looks like Pablo and his family are going to enjoy a long HAPPY and healthy life TOGETHER!!!!
My dog has the same problem because the owner's ex boyfriend abused him but now he only likes my dad
I volunteered at the humane society in Wisconsin and half the dogs in the shelter are pitties. It’s disgusting that people believe that pit bulls are these ferocious monsters that will bite and kill anything that moves. They are as dangerous as someone’s beloved golden retriever. It’s just disgusting.
I'm so glad you put captions because my cat doesn't like me watching dog videos
You are made for each other ?
He is one of the cutest dogs I've ever seen. (But don't tell babies)❤